1. Unpopular fact: It's incredibly popular to say "U2 is overproduced" these days.
  2. I said Songs of Innocence was overproduced..when it came I hope this album isn't as much.
  3. Who the hell isn't overproduced these days besides indie kids making records in their garage?

    U2 sound "as" produced as everyone else making commercial records these days.
  4. What's nice about TUF and Boy is that they sound so analogue and natural. SOI sounded very compressed. It isn't always bad, but I certainly prefer the sound of their older stuff. If SOI had been recorded in the same way as their first three albums, it would easily score a couple points higher on a scale of one to ten, personally.
  5. Originally posted by LikeASong:Here's my (seemingly) unpopular opinion of the day:

    The Blackout is better than all of their singles/premieres since 2005.
    Lol, no.
  6. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:[..]
    Who the hell isn't overproduced these days besides indie kids making records in their garage?

    U2 sound "as" produced as everyone else making commercial records these days.
    Everyone else sounds good though!
  7. Originally posted by thefly108:What's nice about TUF and Boy is that they sound so analogue and natural. SOI sounded very compressed. It isn't always bad, but I certainly prefer the sound of their older stuff. If SOI had been recorded in the same way as their first three albums, it would easily score a couple points higher on a scale of one to ten, personally.
    So U2 should go back to using tape? I mean, hey, they wouldn't be the only ones, but I also have a feeling they're rarely all in the studio together super often anymore either, rarely even in the same studio itself throughout the making of an album. Probably not even a consideration for them.
  8. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:[..]
    So U2 should go back to using tape? I mean, hey, they wouldn't be the only ones, but I also have a feeling they're rarely all in the studio together super often anymore either, rarely even in the same studio itself throughout the making of an album. Probably not even a consideration for them.
    I'm not sure it's even tape-related. Even No Line sounded better than SOI. But I personally do like tape recordings, so I wouldn't be upset if it happened, as unlikely as that is (which is extremely).
  9. Originally posted by LikeASong:Here's my (seemingly) unpopular opinion of the day:

    The Blackout is better than all of their singles/premieres since 2005.

    Window In The Skies????