2017-05-12 - Vancouver
Tour: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Songs played: 23
Audio recordings: 6
Videos: 1
  1. Originally posted by maartenpetra:I saw most of the video's. Great songs, what a setlist especially before the encore. They should end with "40" to my opinion. Put Bad before the JT songs. I like an opening with I will F or Out of C. Maybe Desire will fit also. Miss Saraevo was amazing, good video shots it says enough. Fantastic stage and screen. Exit, awesome what a song that is. The opening of Streets, the lights amazing. Running TSS is always good. ASOH, so glad it is finally in the show. Yes what an opening night. Can't wait for Amsterdam 1.
    i think MOS would be a good closer as to the theme of the show, miss sarajevo meh, good musically but i think bono should do the opera parts...if he still can.
  2. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:I know we're all excited with the beginning of the tour, but please people, abstain from asking about whether there are any bootlegs yet. Tapers are human, and they need their rest, spend hours editing stuff,e tc. I'm sure we will have plenty of sources to choose from. Rest assured, we will be uploading here these recordings as they appear.
    In the meantime, enjoy the ride and move on to other things.
    I'm really looking forward for that. By what I listened and saw on YouTube I must say I appreciate how they arranged the songs (ASOH with the keyboards is fantastic) except Miss Sarajevo. In my opinion it's a song that's worth of existing only if Bono sings the opera part. I never liked the Sarajevo's version for this reason.
    About a future break-up, I'd prefer it to something like the current Stones - 70 years old and still touring the same songs.
    If they don't have nothing more of interesting to say, it wouldn't make sense going on just for the money (and they don't even need it).
  3. Originally posted by BigGiRL:[..]

    Just taking the last lines to comment on.

    As with poetry, lyrics are often open for multiple interpretations, depending on one's perspective. Here, when one read or hear, "the end is here sometimes," the whole song can be understood as a contemplation of ones own death. Especially when one matures and reach a certain age it's not a strange thing to do so because one comes to understand and feel that death is inevitable, sooner or later.
    It's even wise to think about these things, I think, because it is at the same time a discovery of the very essence of life, namely that it will end some day. Or, from another perspective, that life and death belong to each other. As such, "The end is here." (Or rather, already here).

    To me it makes Bono even more credible to hear him ponder about his own death since he's honest about it and not pretending he is still in his twenties, or thirties - or, worse, thinks he lives forever.

    I really like the fact that still so many young people are attracted to U2 and it's music, but for people like myself, who have been to the original JT shows back in '87, it is a perspective not entirely alien. It makes perfect sense as a song "of experience." At this point I wouldn't worry too much about them "wrapping it up" soon. As long as health will permit it, I think they will keep on going.

    Interesting take! I think you might well be right, certainly makes sense with regards to the hunter / prey line for sure - it kind of exposes Bono as feeling vulnerable just like we all do I guess the older we get. Makes me think of a Neil Finn song 'Anytime'. Let's face it, we're all on borrowed time, and like Jim Morrison sang "no one here gets out alive". I'd like to work the song out a bit better line by line though, as I'm finding it quite fascinating. I expect we might hear a bit more about it from Bono when the album drops.

    I also personally think we'll have U2 for some time yet, again as long as good health allows, let's face it, why are they still doing it? They need the money? Nah not for the best part of two decades now. Contractual obligations? Doubt it, maybe some short term ones, but they're basically their own boss. Unfinished business? I reckon so, yes. They love it? For sure!

    I think it also depends how much gas is left in the tank, in terms of songwriting, they really seem to be labouring over SOE, though obviously not at conflict with each other and with artistic differences and all that - thankfully I think they're safely beyond that kinda thing now. I think some of it is just logistics and perhaps a little bit of self-doubt creeping in, and this obsession with relevance.

    But I do sometimes wonder though if they've thought about avoiding the '2 crap albums and you're out' scenario that Bono sometimes talks of, by not giving it the opportunity to happen and wrapping it up with something they feel is an absolute masterpiece, you know ending on a high instead of running out of steam. You know like the classic sitcoms (Fawlty Towers or The Office) that leave it at that after 2 series worth, and it's revered decades later, far more so than it might have been had they churned out 10 series worth.
  4. Originally posted by Bullet_Blue:[..]
    I'm really looking forward for that. By what I listened and saw on YouTube I must say I appreciate how they arranged the songs (ASOH with the keyboards is fantastic) except Miss Sarajevo. In my opinion it's a song that's worth of existing only if Bono sings the opera part. I never liked the Sarajevo's version for this reason.
    About a future break-up, I'd prefer it to something like the current Stones - 70 years old and still touring the same songs.
    If they don't have nothing more of interesting to say, it wouldn't make sense going on just for the money (and they don't even need it).
    i just as much as anyone would love to see u2 touring at 70, but do you really think Bono's voice will hold that long, if a member passes on i don't see a replacement member, u2 are not that sort of band
  5. Originally posted by Caledonia:[..]

    Interesting take! I think you might well be right, certainly makes sense with regards to the hunter / prey line for sure - it kind of exposes Bono as feeling vulnerable just like we all do I guess the older we get. Makes me think of a Neil Finn song 'Anytime'. Let's face it, we're all on borrowed time, and like Jim Morrison sang "no one here gets out alive". I'd like to work the song out a bit better line by line though, as I'm finding it quite fascinating. I expect we might hear a bit more about it from Bono when the album drops.

    I also personally think we'll have U2 for some time yet, again as long as good health allows, let's face it, why are they still doing it? They need the money? Nah not for the best part of two decades now. Contractual obligations? Doubt it, maybe some short term ones, but they're basically their own boss. Unfinished business? I reckon so, yes. They love it? For sure!

    I think it also depends how much gas is left in the tank, in terms of songwriting, they really seem to be labouring over SOE, though obviously not at conflict with each other and with artistic differences and all that - thankfully I think they're safely beyond that kinda thing now. I think some of it is just logistics and perhaps a little bit of self-doubt creeping in, and this obsession with relevance.

    But I do sometimes wonder though if they've thought about avoiding the '2 crap albums and you're out' scenario that Bono sometimes talks of, by not giving it the opportunity to happen and wrapping it up with something they feel is an absolute masterpiece, you know ending on a high instead of running out of steam. You know like the classic sitcoms (Fawlty Towers or The Office) that leave it at that after 2 series worth, and it's revered decades later, far more so than it might have been had they churned out 10 series worth.
    great words!! thats all i can say
  6. Originally posted by u2_michaelc:[..]
    i just as much as anyone would love to see u2 touring at 70, but do you really think Bono's voice will hold that long, if a member passes on i don't see a replacement member, u2 are not that sort of band
    That's why I think they should end in the next 5 years. SOE, its tour and then a farewell tour.
  7. I think it's going to be SOE> tour, SOA> last official tour. Then we'll see some one off shows after that, but probably another tour 5-7 years down the line as well as I think they just like it too much
  8. So, I think the show generally has some flow and transition elements to be worked out, but I'm pretty confident that they'll do so in short order. I'm guessing Bono will loosen up, start talking more, start moving a little bit more, etc., as the tour goes on, too. (Also, they won't be trying to shoot promo video for the whole tour, so that might help with the general movement, too.)

    The combination of songs they played is positively crazy to me, in the best way possible...even though we knew we were getting the full JT album. The fact that they played A Sort of Homecoming, a full MLK, Ultraviolet, and closed the show with a new song is ridiculous. (I still think they should play Pride before MLK and then use the organ from MLK to fade into the opening organ from Streets, but what do I know?)

    Highlights for me were ASOH, MLK (it actually seemed like a substantive song last night, rather than a transition, as it's been in the recent past), Streets, One Tree Hill, Trip Through Your Wires (!!! I love that song), In God's Country, EXIT (I can't wait to see how he rips into Trump with that song in DC), Ultraviolet, and The Little Things That Give You Away. It seemed like a perfect way to end the show, which seems strange to say about a new song, but I think it really worked.

    I used to think that 40 was the only proper closer for this show, but as I recall seeing someone say a few pages back, it would be weird for them to play all the old stuff, then play newer songs, then play Little Things, then revert back to 40. They're definitely trying to capture the trajectory of moving forward (and apparently trying to move past their last 3 albums, ha). (Although I think the only songs I really might have missed were Every Breaking Wave and City of Blinding Lights...I'd have loved to see what they could do for COBL with that incredibly screen.)

    I was a bit let down by Red Hill Mining Town...which on its face seems a little greedy to say after hearing it for the first time since its release 30 years ago...but I think the lack of guitar really hurt it for me. I love Edge's guitar part in that song, and I really wanted to hear it. I hope they rethink how they play that song live. We'll see.

    The only other two songs I was underwhelmed with last night were Miss Sarajevo and One. I watched the video this morning for Miss Sarajevo, though, and it grew a little on me. I'm still not sure that it would be my choice to put in that penultimate slot (like I said, I'd probably put COBL there, then play Every Breaking Wave, then close with Little Things), but it wasn't as bad as I initially thought in my 2:30 AM sleep-deprived state. (Worth it, though.) One lacks something without Bono playing guitar, but I also know that a lot of people think a U2 show isn't really a U2 show unless they play One, so...meh. Also, I wasn't disappointed with Bullet, but I think they could play it with a little more fire, like they did on the last tour. I think that one may come around as they keep playing, though.

    Some of Bono's vocal choices were interesting--it definitely seemed to me like he was choosing to conserve his vocal power for when he really wanted to cut loose. I know he wants to conserve his voice for the whole tour, so that's not a bad thing, either. Starting to wonder if he's lost a little bit of power in his voice? Or if he's just warming up. We'll probably have to wait and see.

    I'm not sure we'll get a whole lot of setlist variation from the non-JT slots, given how they seem to have paired the screen visuals with many of the songs in the setlist. Like I said, the one song I'd swap out is one of the songs they had the strongest visuals for (Miss Sarajevo), so I'm not sure it's going anywhere. (Also, what happened to the fan-submitted Ordinary Love thing? I guess I didn't submit a video, so I may have an idea, ha.) But they may surprise us. I guess we'll see. Also, since the setlist was pretty fantastic overall, I wouldn't really mind there not being too much variation.

    Overall, I thought last night was a really good show (despite spending the last 4 paragraphs talking about things that I didn't necessarily love about the show, ha...I just figure that most of the good things have already been said). I'll be really interested to see how they alter the presentation and if they alter the setlist at all in the upcoming shows. And I can't wait to see the show in DC in just over a month!
  9. ...also, where the hell did Eeny Meeny Miney Moe come from? Lol.
  10. Originally posted by TheEdge10:I think it's going to be SOE> tour, SOA> last official tour. Then we'll see some one off shows after that, but probably another tour 5-7 years down the line as well as I think they just like it too much
    so you think songs of experience album tour 2018/2019 maybe? than another couple year break in-between tours?