2015-09-08 - Amsterdam
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 28
Audio recordings: 3
Videos: 1
  1. It was a royal night
  2. Wow Magnificent sounded Great. Better then the 2011 remix of it. I'm more partial to the album version, but this version fits the E stage. They should rotate this into the mix more often, This over Elevation
  3. I really missed The Troubles
  4. Well then folks, it was fun. Goodnight and onto Stockholm!

  5. This performance should be on CDs or DVD
  6. Night 4 was by far the best... Bono was fired up. Really loved magnificent and sweetest thing. But what a closure with bad and 40....
  7. What a night, what a show. Definitely my best one ever
  8. Wow, incredible. What a show, what a night. I had the best spot ever (center tip of the e-stage) and hopefully shot some incredible footage for the multicam project. This song now really deserves the best multicam ever

    What a night. Can't put it into words right now.
  9. Originally posted by Remy:Wow, incredible. What a show, what a night. I had the best spot ever (center tip of the e-stage) and hopefully shot some incredible footage for the multicam project. This song now really deserves the best multicam ever

    What a night. Can't put it into words right now.
    Best concert of the tour so far, no doubts! Lucky you!
  10. O
  11. Also met so many great fans this week. And loyal fans of our site as well. Even tonight two anonymous readers here thanked me and all our crew for our efforts and great community. They never post but always read along and follow what happens here. That is so amazing to hear.

    Also amazing to have met Dieder, Joey, Nico, Joyce, Marcel, Yasmin and of course Sergio, Kirsten, Jana etc. and all those I probably forget. I will never forget this week!

    Also hope you all liked our chats