2015-09-08 - Amsterdam
Тур: Innocence and Experience tour
Песен исполнено: 28
аудиозаписи: 3
Видео: 1
  1. I kinda hate that version but I'm glad they're trying to mix it up
  2. the guys on u2gigs are ninjas
  3. Christ that's horrid.
  4. I was watching through meerkat and the girl did an excellent job..

    and I loved the new Edge's backing vocals
  5. I didn't liked this version of Magnificent... I think is such a powerfull and strong song, I don't see why they thought it would be good to change the song like this...
  6. I'm actually really enjoying it second time around... Suppose I'm in a corner on my own with that opinion.
  7. Originally posted by cqleonardo:I didn't liked this version of Magnificent... I think is such a powerfull and strong song, I don't see why they thought it would be good to change the song like this...
    Maybe cause a new song, played on last tour in almost all shows in traditional form (some with that "Tutu mix") and dropped at the end... so maybe they didn't planed to play any song from NLOTH, but if play, playing in a new version
  8. By the way... Bono wrong on the intro, but I see great potential in the new Magnificent
  9. Just watched Magnificent on YouTube from Matt (U2Gigs). Quite funky and dancy, love it. Much more energy, keep it this way!

  11. AWESOME!!!