1. Club Brugge - Anderlecht 3
    Chelsea - Leicester City 3
    Milan - Roma 2
    Lazio - Fiorentina 1
    Athletic Club - Sevilla 1
  2. Club Brugge - Anderlecht 1
    Chelsea - Leicester City 3
    Milan - Roma 2
    Lazio - Fiorentina 1
    Athletic Club - Sevilla 1
  3. Originally posted by ver2go:Club Brugge - Anderlecht 1
    Chelsea - Leicester City 3
    Milan - Roma 3
    Lazio - Fiorentina 2
    Athletic Club - Sevilla 2
  4. Originally posted by ver2go:Club Brugge - Anderlecht 1
    Chelsea - Leicester City 3
    Milan - Roma 3
    Lazio - Fiorentina 2
    Athletic Club - Sevilla 2
  5. Matches Round 26
    Club Brugge - Anderlecht - 1
    Chelsea - Leicester City - 3
    Milan - Roma - 2
    Lazio - Fiorentina - 2
    Athletic Club - Sevilla - 1

    Results Round 26
    u2lemonman - 4
    davec82 - 3
    patou2 - 3
    ver2go - 3
    DutchU2Fan - 2
    MacStripey - 2
    Remy - 2
    Alvin - 1
    LikeAsong - 1
    skidevil - 1

    League Results (after 26 rounds)
    1. Alvin - 64
    2. davec82 - 59
    3. skidevil - 54
    3. ver2go - 54
    5. patou2 - 53
    5. Remy - 53
    7. DutchU2Fan - 48
    8. Andrew_C - 47
    8. LikeASong - 47
    10. u2lemonman - 44
    11. iTim - 42
    12. AidanFormigoni - 40
    13. andreamacedo - 39
    14. MacStripey - 35
    15. BelgianBono - 34
    15. BlueLion - 34
    17. musicandbuzz - 23
    18. pan_Feroslav - 17
    19. bazzzz - 6
    19. maartenpetra - 6
    19. one8ung - 6
    22. wowow - 5
    23. DMMacdonald - 3

    New fixtures will be posted soon.
  6. Round 27 - Domestic Finals - Fixtures:
    Anyone can join in, please do!
    Just copy/paste these matches, fill in a result for the team that you think will lift the trophy (1 or 2) and post your reply.

    Crystal Palace - Manchester United
    Olympique Marseille - PSG
    Bayern München - Borussia Dortmund
    Milan - Juventus
    Barcelona - Sevilla

    matches to be played on May 21 and 22
  7. Crystal Palace - Manchester United - 2
    Olympique Marseille - PSG - 2
    Bayern München - Borussia Dortmund - 2
    Milan - Juventus - 2
    Barcelona - Sevilla - 2
  8. Crystal Palace - Manchester United - 2
    Olympique Marseille - PSG - 2
    Bayern München - Borussia Dortmund - 1
    Milan - Juventus - 3
    Barcelona - Sevilla - 1
  9. Originally posted by maartenpetra:Crystal Palace - Manchester United - 2
    Olympique Marseille - PSG - 2
    Bayern München - Borussia Dortmund - 1
    Milan - Juventus - 3
    Barcelona - Sevilla - 1
    No 3's allowed for this round; only 1s and 2s depending on who you think will win the trophy.
  10. Crystal Palace - Manchester United..............2
    Olympique Marseille - PSG...........................2
    Bayern München - Borussia Dortmund.........1
    Milan - Juventus............................................2
    Barcelona - Sevilla........................................1
  11. Crystal Palace - Manchester United 2
    Olympique Marseille - PSG 2
    Bayern München - Borussia Dortmund 2
    Milan - Juventus 2
    Barcelona - Sevilla 1
  12. I've changed the results before the matches started! Sony 3 pointe i think forum last round?