1. Manchester City - Arsenal 3
    Olympique Lyonnais - Monaco 1
    Nice - Saint Étienne 3
    Celtic - Aberdeen 1
    Real Madrid - Valencia 1
  2. Manchester City - Arsenal 1
    Olympique Lyonnais - Monaco 1
    Nice - Saint Étienne 3
    Celtic - Aberdeen 3
    Real Madrid - Valencia 1
  3. Matches Round 25
    Manchester City - Arsenal - 3
    Olympique Lyonnais - Monaco - 1
    Nice - Saint Étienne - 1
    Celtic - Aberdeen - 1
    Real Madrid - Valencia - 1

    Results Round 25
    Alvin - 4
    davec82 - 4
    DutchU2Fan - 4
    LikeASong - 4
    MacStripey - 3
    one8ung - 3
    patou2 - 3
    Remy - 3
    ver2go - 3
    skidevil - 2
    u2lemonman - 2

    League Results (after 25 rounds)
    1. Alvin - 63
    2. davec82 - 56
    3. skidevil - 53
    4. Remy - 51
    4. ver2go - 51
    6. patou2 - 50
    7. Andrew_C - 47
    8. DutchU2Fan - 46
    8. LikeASong - 46
    10. iTim - 42
    11. AidanFormigoni - 40
    11. u2lemonman - 40
    13. andreamacedo - 39
    14. BelgianBono - 34
    14. BlueLion - 34
    16. MacStripey - 33
    17. musicandbuzz - 23
    18. pan_Feroslav - 17
    19. bazzzz - 6
    19. maartenpetra - 6
    29. one8ung - 6
    22. wowow - 5
    23. DMMacdonald - 3

    New fixtures will be posted soon.
  4. Nice last round for many of us. How can you organize this and still not submit some predictions, Tim? Haha.

    Regarding this round... A bit short notice, but hey

    Club Brugge - Anderlecht...1
    Chelsea - Leicester City......2
    Milan - Roma......................1
    Lazio - Fiorentina................1
    Athletic Club - Sevilla...........3
  5. Club Brugge - Anderlecht - 1
    Chelsea - Leicester City - 1
    Milan - Roma - 1
    Lazio - Fiorentina - 3
    Athletic Club - Sevilla - 2
  6. Club Brugge - Anderlecht 3
    Chelsea - Leicester City 3
    Milan - Roma 1
    Lazio - Fiorentina 1
    Athletic Club - Sevilla 2

    edited right away... at first I thought Athletic club is Atletico
  7. Club Brugge - Anderlecht 1
    Chelsea - Leicester City 3
    Milan - Roma 1
    Lazio - Fiorentina 2
    Athletic Club - Sevilla 2
  8. Club Brugge - Anderlecht 1
    Chelsea - Leicester City 1
    Milan - Roma 1
    Lazio - Fiorentina 2
    Athletic Club - Sevilla 2
  9. Club Brugge - Anderlecht - 1
    Chelsea - Leicester City - 2
    Milan - Roma - 2
    Lazio - Fiorentina - 1
    Athletic Club - Sevilla - 3
  10. Club Brugge - Anderlecht 3
    Chelsea - Leicester City 3
    Milan - Roma 2
    Lazio - Fiorentina 1
    Athletic Club - Sevilla 1
  11. Club Brugge - Anderlecht 1
    Chelsea - Leicester City 1
    Milan - Roma 3
    Lazio - Fiorentina 1
    Athletic Club - Sevilla 1