2015-06-12 - Montreal
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 25
Audio recordings: 1
  1. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:I will say that when they started Lucifer's Hands, the room wasn't super ecstatic. But when the song ended, it got some really good reception. I think the better the song they try out, the more it gets the crowd interested and moving, and even singing along, the better the reaction.

    I remember Your Blue Room not getting virtually any reception (I went nuts) and that's probably why they dropped it.
    ugh... I admit that that's my main concern everyday when I'm listening to the live stream, the crowd reaction at the start and at the end of the (new) songs, the sing alongs, etc... I don't care too much about how they played it or how many lines Bono got wrong, I mainly focus on the crowd (I still enjoy the show, though).

    I think it's like porn for them.
    Back when they started they were happy with people listening to the songs and cheering afterwards. That's like your regular ol' time fashioned porn.
    But now... that's not good enough for them, and they're now looking for the whole sing alongs, crowd cheering super excited from the first chords to the end, and the bondage; otherwise it doesn't do anything for them anymore.

    And they can afford it, anyway, so it's hard to blame them for it.

    I think that that's Gavin Friday's role, isn't it?
  2. I think it also depends on the song. If they're trying a song at the e-stage like Lucifer's Hands or Ordinary Love, they're definitely gauging the reaction of the crowd to see if they should keep playing it.

    Songs like Cedarwood Road, Song for Someone, Raised by Wolves, The Miracle, and Iris, I think those will most definitely stick around because they're an integral part of the show. Not only that, but they all got huge crowd responses in Montreal which I was pleased with. Hell, I was most excited to hear those songs and now I want to keep going back to listen to SoI again. Such a great album.

    Every Breaking Wave needs a new arrangement or something. It was meant to be the huge ballad from the album and Song for Someone has easily taken that role and ran with it. It just has so much of a better presentation and performance to it that Every Breaking Wave and it's little piano campfire thing can't even keep up. It comes at a weird time in the show and it's not nearly epic enough as it should be, like how they played it on the promo tour.

    I think the likelihood of certain songs sticking around highly depends on how much faith the band puts in the songs to begin with. The fact that they're only playing a little more than half of the songs is a little sad, I was really hoping to hear most of them. Like why aren't they playing California, Volcano, Reach Me Now at every show? They're fast and energetic and they have a lot of personality. The Troubles and Sleep Like a Baby, while would be cool to hear, to me never came across as songs they were going to play live anyway. Everything else though, GET THOSE IN THE SET! We'll never be able to see how the crowd takes to them if they don't even play them.

    Also, not sure if Gavin actually follows them on tour.
  3. sorry, I was replying to R&H88, but I think that the discussion belongs on the other thread
  4. sorry, I was replying to R&H88, but I think that the discussion belongs on the other thread
  5. Right on

  6. Oh man, MOS has got to show up at some point. I doubt they would make it a closer (which would be ideal) but I think it would do fine in the setlist position it has been snippeted in (end of main set).

    Originally posted by kris_smith87:[..]
    I think it would be a good opener....if The Miracle was never written.

    It just has a good "kick off" feel to it for me...which I get is funny since it is the second last song on the album!

    I read somewhere that Reach Me Now was meant to be the album opener, but it was switched to Miracle once they decided to download it to everyone's phones because Miracle had a bit more of a catchy start than Reach Me Now (which has a longer intro).
    I think it (and California) would be a great opener if U2 ever decide to move The Miracle.
  7. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:I will say that when they started Lucifer's Hands, the room wasn't super ecstatic. But when the song ended, it got some really good reception. I think the better the song they try out, the more it gets the crowd interested and moving, and even singing along, the better the reaction.

    I remember Your Blue Room not getting virtually any reception (I went nuts) and that's probably why they dropped it. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they asked some of the crew members after trying different songs like that what the crowd reaction was.

    Wait, you've witnessed the debut of both Your Blue Room and Lucifer's Hands ? You bastard !
  8. I wouldn't read that from the post. He just said he saw YBR live.

    Not saying that he isn't a bastard though