Lives in:
Lover of U2, the Cure, nature, my friends and my family.
Forum posts:
9 months ago
12 shows during 6 tours
personal record

favorite tour: ZOO TV
"The teenage years are a time of transition and self-discovery. The ZooTV Tour, with its blend of technology, culture, and music, came at a pivotal time in my life at the tender age of 15. This was my first 'real' concert influencing my appreciation of beautiful lyrics, sound and helping me navigate my journey into adulthood."
favorite show: 1993-11-27 - Sydney
"The teenage years are a time of transition and self-discovery. The ZooTV Tour, with its blend of technology, culture, and music, came at a pivotal time in my life at the tender age of 15, influencing my appreciation of beautiful lyrics, sound and also helping me navigate my journey into adulthood."
favorite album: Achtung Baby
"I love how the lyrics on this album are more introspective and personal. The songs have so much depth and emotional resonance. This is not only my favorite U2 album but hands down, my favorite album of all time."
favorite song: Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
"I adore the intro, I adore the lyrics but most of all I adore the sound of Bono's voice singing this masterpiece"

about Kateso
The profound resonance of U2's music has always held an irreplaceable place in my heart, igniting an enduring passion that effortlessly transcends time. Their melodies intertwine with the threads of my life, weaving a sonic tapestry that mirrors my journey's highs and lows. I first fell in love with their sound when I was just 10 years old and 'Desire' was blasting out of our TV in suburban Sydney. I was privileged to see ZOO TV live in Sydney at the tender age of 15. That night changed my life forever and ignited in me a love for music and appreciation of lyrics I never thought possible.
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