1. Alright guys, just thought it might be interesting on what you thought were some of the best debut albums of all time and we can discuss

    and if you like we could rank our own personal top 5.

    For me:

    1) Arcade Fire - Funeral - Not much to say about this album really. A truly stunning piece of work

    2) Stereophonics - Word Gets Around - Absolutely LOVE this album!! Such a raw sound and somewhat different lyrics. one of my favorite albums ever

    3) Of Monsters and Men - My Head is an Animal - Came out just this year and is truly amazing!! A very unique Arcade Fire/Mumford and Sons vibe with male and female vocals. Saw them live a few months ago and they are a stunning

    4) Mumford and Sons - Sigh No More - Bringing back folk and making it popular agan!! Someone had to do it and these guys did it with style in a big way!! Truly unique and passionate/emotional music that really tugs at the heartstrings one of the best bands I've heard that can really "build" a song to a climax.

    5) Keane - Hopes and Fears - Really came out of nowhere these guys and took piano rock to a new level at a time when music was moving away from that genre.
  2. lets see without thinking too much ...

    1- Ten - Pearl Jam
    2- The Clash - The Clash
    3- Van Halen - Van Halen
    4- Appetite For Destruction - Guns N Roses
    5- Ramones - Ramones

    and Boy without any number, just to name it
  3. Coldplay - Parachutes
    Dire Straits - Dire Straits
    Foster the People - Torches
    Keane - Hopes and Fears
  4. Oasis - Definitely Maybe
    GNR - Appetite for Destruction
    PJ -Ten
    Weezer - Blue Album
    U2- Boy (of course!)
  5. The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses
    Oasis - Definitely Maybe
    The Smiths - The Smiths
    Tricky - Maxinequay
    Public Enemy - Yo! Bumrush The Show
  6. Originally posted by colbourne25:

    2) Stereophonics - Word Gets Around - Absolutely LOVE this album!! Such a raw sound and somewhat different lyrics. one of my favorite albums ever

    It didn't make my top 5 but would likely make my top 10. It's a great album - and has some nice b-sides, too.
  7. The Killers, Hot Fuss
  8. ^That's a good one, too.

    How about The Strokes' Is This It?.

    ,,,who's going to say Parachutes?

    I really need to give Acrade Fire's debut a listen.
  9. AC/DC - High Voltage
  10. Twisted Planet - A Kick in the System
  11. Daniel Lanois Acadie One of my Favorit