1. If I could please be un-banned from this site? Not even 100% sure what I did wrong.

    Thanks, and sorry!
  2. You dont seem to be banned, if you can post on the forum?
  3. Think my IP is banned, I'm going through a proxy..

    "You are banned from this website, please contact remy at u2start.com if you want to have this ban lifted."
  4. Maybe you deserved it. After all, you won the "most likely to get banned" award a few months ago
  5. I got banned before that was even awarded.. Pretty sure I got an email saying it was a month long account ban and if I tried to log on to u2start through another account I'd get a longer ban, and I haven't been able to access the site in all those months since I received the email. Still not !00% on what I did.
  6. You guys are both admin/mods, why would I get an IP ban and not an account ban also? Seems a little bizarre to me.
  7. I will look into it
  8. You dont look banned to me
  9. Well here's the page elements:

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript" src="chrome-extension://bfbmjmiodbnnpllbbbfblcplfjjepjdn/js/injected.js"></script><style type="text/css"></style></head><body>You are banned from this website, please contact remy at u2start.com if you want to have this ban lifted.</body></html>
  10. As I said, I can only access the site through a proxy, so I must have an IP ban, but my account is still active. I'm really not sure what's going on if you can't even work it out.. Unless you are just playing around with me and you do know what is happening haha?
  11. "If you try to log in......you will receive a longer ban"

    "I'm logging in through a proxy"

    We can't all be the brightest crayons in the box.
  12. For some reason, your IP ban wasnt revoked when your account ban has been. I revoked the IP ban.

    However your profile suggests that you better watch your steps a bit. We are a u2 forum, for fans of any age. So no obscene comments anymore or you are permanently done.