1. I'll go for Out of Control, only because there was no warning at all. I'm thrilled they played Better and Zooropa.
  2. I would have voted for the out-of-Austrialiasia performance of One Tree Hill, since I've liked they way that the band played the song this tour as opposed to past tours (I think it's something about the subtle changes of The Edge's guitar part), but its performance in the SA leg was just really awkward due to the fact that some random botched it up.

    I voted for the fact that they mixed it up a little every night. Zooropa was great, but not a huge surprise since the appearance of the Fez/Zooropa segue in Cape Town. Even Better Than The Real Thing was definitely no surprise due to the amount of time they spent soundchecking it. While I love the way the song is performed, it's not working for me as an opener, but it did have the right feel during the third Sao Paulo show. Out Of Control was a huge surprise, since they didn't soundcheck it at all and I hope it opens the way for other Boy songs to be played on the tour without warning.
  3. I think people mentioning that "oh, it wasn't a surprise because it was soundchecked so often" is just not valid. We aren't supposed to know what they are rehearsing, it is meant to be a surprise for those attending. Die hards like us reading into it and making it our duty to know what they are rehearsing shoudn't be counted against the band. Yes, they can turn off the PA but they NEED to rehearse in the stadium at some point. That should not be counted against them in terms of surprise factor.

    Out of Control, no offense to anyone but isn't that difficult to play for them I would imagine so bringing that out of the blue isn't that big of a stretch. Zooropa on the other hand has a backing track and a segue and light show that has to go with it.

    Basically in my opinion these were supposed to be surprises and for us to not seem them as such is our own fault for being so interested in what they are rehearsing. They don't owe us any more real suprises imo. it is our own decision to spoil it for ourselves
  4. It was hard to choose. Always great to hear Out Of Control and One Tree Hill. Even Better, and as a opener...It was OMG! ButI have to choose Zooropa. Totally unpredictable. Totally awesome!
  5. Zooropa!! Need I say more? (Listening to it right now in fact)

    Even Better has my vote as a close 2nd though.
  6. Out Of Control. I love One Tree Hill, Zooropa and Even Better Than The Real Thing, but Out Of Control had the best performance and crowd reception in my opinion. Gotta love the songs of U2's first era, they're so powerful still...
  7. The unusual out-of-Australasia performance of One Tree Hill.
  8. It s hard , but Zooropa was a great surprise and played like never did it.

    Second place to Even better than the real thing : it was great too , specially opening the shows !!
  9. I guess anyone who's voting on One Tree Hill, Out Of Control, Zooropa and Even Better has good points here...Iy's really a hard decision, but we have to love the fact they did all of those things
  10. Out Of Control for me
    Just because I was listening to the livestream and did not see that coming AT ALL. I mean, it made me turn the volume up and run around the whole house. At 3AM.
  11. Had to vote Zooropa. EBTTRT was the greatest "constant" surprise, and the re-working of the song was priceless and really cool, but its been in the cards since Barcelona. Just proves that they are still able to follow through on dreams made 2 years ago.

    Zooropa was more of a jaw-dropping evolution of an idea into an actual performance- first just us bickering about wanting to hear it, to them saying "what do you want?" between MS/COBL, to a slightly larger Zooropa snippet, to the whole song. Really cool evolution, really awesome performances.
  12. Originally posted by EyesWithPrideB3:Had to vote Zooropa. EBTTRT was the greatest "constant" surprise, and the re-working of the song was priceless and really cool, but its been in the cards since Barcelona. Just proves that they are still able to follow through on dreams made 2 years ago.

    Zooropa was more of a jaw-dropping evolution of an idea into an actual performance- first just us bickering about wanting to hear it, to them saying "what do you want?" between MS/COBL, to a slightly larger Zooropa snippet, to the whole song. Really cool evolution, really awesome performances.

    Word for word on how I see it. But I also think Zooropa was a gift to the die-hards as a thanks to making 360 the biggest tour ever