1. A scholar, a gentleman, and an example to us all.

  2. Oh, dear.
  3. Originally posted by EyesWithPrideB3:Translation now that im sobering up:

    I feel you. Never gone up stairs so fast in my life. Raced up those homeboys (homeboys meaniing stairs)

    Okay so a quick recap before i fall assleeep

    -Hear Still Havent Found 4 times today> Sang twice. Harmonies.
    -Peed in my backyard for the first time. Fuck the bathroom
    -Someone dared me to drink 3/4 of a gallon of milk in 3 minutes or less. If I did it I won $15. Long story short i threw up a lotttt. lot.
    -Smoked a cigar with my best friend John and talked about life, my amazing girlfriend and how much i lvoe her, he will have a girlfriend tomorrow (hes asking her out at a italian restaurant in the city!) and we love life.
    -It sbeen a great night. Made it A POINT to update on this thread on U2start because i wanted to show how much i love this site and houw much you all mean to me.

    Sorry for the typos. Been drinking for a lonnnng time. Love you all, and goodnight.

    Drop me a PM if you love me. I promise i'll respind, Remind me of this and i'll remember that i told you to do it. I want to show you all how much i love you. i promise to reply with just how much you've PERSONALLY changed my life.

    Love life, love U2, love you, love the way i feel, love everything. Seriously, you guys mean the world. I challenge you to stump me (in terms of why i LOVE you.)

    Gonna be arough morning, Goodnight


    exhibit A
  4. I enjoy this thread
  5. I remember awhile back someone created a thread called "Post here if you are drunk!" and it was closed within a day, the message left afterwards saying something like "Only bad things can become of this."

    Funny how this one remained to stay open/so popular.
  6. You know I rarely ever find myself here but I enjoy living it vicariously through you guys

    May it live on
  7. I think I need to go on a bender soon.
  8. Not drunk yet. But I'm working on it. Cheers everybody!
  9. We all love you Matt!
  10. Same as it ever was.
    Same as it ever was.
    Same as it ever was.
    Same as it ever was.
    Same as it ever was.
    Same as it ever was.