1. not very drunk (i only drank three vodkas, one of them shared with my girl) but extremely tired, wasted or whayever you wanna call it. Yesterday was a destroyyer night and tonights been super funny but bery tiring too!! Moreover my eye contact lenses are becoming a bitch, and l cant take them offuntil i get home
  2. I turned 21 yesterday. My grandmother got me a 6 pack of Labat Blue lite.
  3. go listen to "ooh la la" by grace potter and the nocturnals. its a party night song by a rocker girl! i didnt have a party night, but a good night drinking with some good friends. good beers all around. and some great good.
  4. Leinster winnin plus communion= drunk joe xD good buzz boys
  5. OHhh my god. What a nighttt, what a night. need to go to bed, now. See yu guys tomorro!
  6. Drinking my friend's homemade Duvel-clone, but with a tiny hint of vanilla.

    And enjoying some of the world's best homegrown(the way it should be) noble weed from Cali.
  7. @kieran
    thats what i was thinking of posting!! Thanks forb umping this thread, i would habe drunkrenly posted im the gc otherwise! Hahaha.. The kileers & muse party at the indiependance club, with 2 free drinks for the pub's associated people like me. Epic. Epic. My phone has fell down too the ground twive tonight, thats the downside =( but itsbeen greeeeaaat anuwaayyy
  8. I am hammered!

    Night is coming to a close at 6am so I'm inclined to think it was a good 'wan. Today my (second) favourite forum shut down and I'm pretty despondent about it. BBC 606 was where I spent my college years because (with the greatest respect) football has more to debate about and complain to than a band, any band. Even a band that refuse to play from one of their great albums live, as U2 do with Pop.

    That said, despite the limited amount of comments I've made here (<300 is not a great return for 3 or so years) this easily remains the best forum I've ever come across. It's organisation, its good will, its format etc. are light years ahead in distance above anything else I've come across. I salute you, the people that created U2start. It's some very simple things but my god do they do it very well here. Kudos.

    On football forums you can have 30+ of the same articles about one issue. This board focuses anything into a singular discussion. That is the way to do it. The people on here are truly great people as well which is a huge factor.

    As much as I appreciate that I am commenting in the drunk thread my one criticism of this board is that there aren't enough meet-ups. So let's have one! Let's have a meet up. There are fans here mainly from 4 continents - North American, Europe, South America and Antar... - I mean Australia so why can't we organise where there's a continental party for each continent?

    I appreciate the fear factor when it comes to meeting up with people from the internet. But even if we all are balding 50 year old men let's go for it. I think there should be a U2 Glasto party. Not on here, but in real life? What say you?!? U2start let me hear you - there shall be no European leg for a while to come. Ditto Antarctica, the Carribbean. Meeting up at gigs we bring our respective better-halves to won't really happen. So let's have an incestous hook-up. Looking forward to putting faces to names.

    Yours, same as I ever was, The Kaiser

  9. That post was priceless, Jose.

    We love you too
  10. Bumped for Mr. Santos

  11. Completely missed this thread recently, but happy birthday for the other week mate

    Originally posted by KaiserJose:I am hammered!

    Night is coming to a close at 6am so I'm inclined to think it was a good 'wan. Today my (second) favourite forum shut down and I'm pretty despondent about it. BBC 606 was where I spent my college years because (with the greatest respect) football has more to debate about and complain to than a band, any band. Even a band that refuse to play from one of their great albums live, as U2 do with Pop.

    That said, despite the limited amount of comments I've made here (<300 is not a great return for 3 or so years) this easily remains the best forum I've ever come across. It's organisation, its good will, its format etc. are light years ahead in distance above anything else I've come across. I salute you, the people that created U2start. It's some very simple things but my god do they do it very well here. Kudos.

    On football forums you can have 30+ of the same articles about one issue. This board focuses anything into a singular discussion. That is the way to do it. The people on here are truly great people as well which is a huge factor.

    As much as I appreciate that I am commenting in the drunk thread my one criticism of this board is that there aren't enough meet-ups. So let's have one! Let's have a meet up. There are fans here mainly from 4 continents - North American, Europe, South America and Antar... - I mean Australia so why can't we organise where there's a continental party for each continent?

    I appreciate the fear factor when it comes to meeting up with people from the internet. But even if we all are balding 50 year old men let's go for it. I think there should be a U2 Glasto party. Not on here, but in real life? What say you?!? U2start let me hear you - there shall be no European leg for a while to come. Ditto Antarctica, the Carribbean. Meeting up at gigs we bring our respective better-halves to won't really happen. So let's have an incestous hook-up. Looking forward to putting faces to names.

    Yours, same as I ever was, The Kaiser

    Two things:

    1) EPIC post, Kaiser - possibly one of my top 5 that I've seen in my time on the forum!
    2) THEY SHUT DOWN 606!? WHAT THE HELL. I mean I haven't been on there in a long time because I found a lot of the fans on there a bit annoying (football is my favourite sport but I struggle with football discussion when people, to my mind, lose perspective) but still, they shut it down? Shit.

    On a personal note, I've spent the evening in the house on my own plinking and drinking. Far from drunk, but warming up for an epic uni.-wide pub crawl tomorrow. It's expected to be messy, so I'm preparing for a corking hangover...
  12. Not drunk, but I'm all for Jose's suggestion about a meet-up actually
    Btw, I'm REALLY not a 50-year old balding guy