1. I'll be the stupid one who'll buy the superdupercouper luxury gold diamond platinum box and regret it afterwards
  2. Blu Ray does the blu ray have all the bonus features though that the super deluxe version has?
  3. B-ray...
  4. Blu-Ray.
  5. 2-DVD I guess.
  6. I guess the people who post on the forum totally don't represent the U2-customers then...
  7. Pre-ordered the 2-DVD edition yesterday.
  8. gonna buy the big one next month
  9. Wasn't my gig. So I don't buy anything from this Gig.
  10. don't think i'l buy it any more. I'll try the HD preview on Monday but i'm so lacking enthusiasm with this gig that I don't think I could spend money on it.

    However, if they follow up on the mentions Blu ray live features then I will definitely buy it
  11. The kids have been told to get me the 2 disc for father's day by me coz if they dont the day is ruined and its all there fault .The wife say's im cruel and let them get me what they choose but damn it i want something im gonna really like ........im a bad dad i know !!