1. It can go both ways... I think that they really want to do it... but they might be told to hold back to not release it raw, unfrtunately
  2. Every U2 album gets released alot later than initial reports.I don't see the next album being any different from all the others.I'm thinking either late this year or early next.
  3. I voted Both ways, but I love the option "No, just because Bono said yes"
    I still believe, because first date for release was end of 2009, then early 2010, so the third date could be right
  4. LOL, no just because Bono said yes
  5. I think that the next U2 cd should have Mercy on it. Just listened to that song for like the 10th time, amazing song.

  6. In a new three-minute version tailored specifically for the radio, with most of the good parts taken out, over-produced and the rawness sucked right out.

    But if it ended up nearly identical to what we know it as but just cleaned up a bit and maybe extended another minute it could become a hit - it's way too short at the moment. A song like that needs to be longer. Or at least some of the lyrics will end up on another song in four years time which is pretty comparable.

    As for that poll up there, I'll be surprised if they get something out that's better than NLOTH and comes out before the end of the year or even before 2012. Don't forget they're doing Glastonbury. Maybe Edge's earlier comments about trying out the new songs before they release them is what Glastonbury is for.

    It can go both ways... I think that they really want to do it... but they might be told to hold back to not release it raw, unfrtunately

    U2 need to shake the corporate monkey off their back and release it how they think it should sound, not how some tone-deaf record exec thinks it should sound to appeal to the masses. If they want it raw as fuck then I say by all means, put it out like that. But this is post-2000 U2 we're talking here; nothing goes out unless it's polished up to the point of losing whatever it had before.

  7. They did, not the four guys we know now. No, because Bono said yes, that's it for me, but it would be amazing if they proved me wrong.
  8. I'm going for yes, but i have no real reasoning behind it

  9. Definitely not, they have to play their most famous songs to be able to call Glasto a success. 4 songs off NLOTH could fit in the setlist, though, and think they will.

    I voted for 'it could go both ways' but I'm not holding my breath. If something comes out, it comes out. If they want to keep the inspiration momentum from Morocco sessions and the end of the tour, they'd better release an experimental Songs of Ascent sooner rather than later. Music made with a purpose to top the charts wouldn't make me very happy, as it would obviously be way too polished and utterly over-produced. NLOTH suffers from over-production a bit too, e.g. Unknown Caller could have been better if they had kept it in its earlier form (like we can hear in the vidoes made in Morocco), or Breathe and Magnificent sounded better in those stupid beach clips, but all in all the whole thing could have been much much worse and I'm still happy with the final product we got.
  10. So if people here believe Bono's recent comments, when he mentions about punk rock from Venus, you should believe him!!!