1. We've added a preview feature to our system. When a sample is available you can hear up to 30 seconds of the source you are interested in

    Its been a feature requested a few times on the board and by the crew and its good to announce its working now

    Some examples (Playback may not be instant, be patient.)
    And more...

    We will add more previews in the future and our plan is to provide every new source with one

    Please feel free to comment and suggest!
  2. This is really great. Thanks a lot!
  3. Oh my God, I've wanted to suggest this for so long, but figured that it would be way too much work. You guys rock, seriously.
  4. Nice...... .......
  5. very cool feature
  6. My goodness, you are FANATICS REALLY. I don't wanna imagine the hours of work that goes into this.

    I seriously start to worry about this place, but in a good way
  7. Fair is fair, this took a few hours. Started on it yesterday night and finished it this morning. Most work still has to come, uploading all the sample mp3 files.

    Good to hear you all like it
  8. (I talk now as a long time base-user of this site, not as a crew member) :

    This is GREAT. Thanks a lot
  9. Great job Chris. This is a fantastic addition.
  10. This is a fab addition. Great job.
  11. This is a great addition!!!