1. Depends on the price. I think I'm gonna wait a while before I buy anything.
  2. I'm shocked!
    I just voted for 'will buy more than one' and it turns out I'm in an 1.1% minority group!

    (can't help myself, I'm an addict!....)
  3. If I have the money, I'll buy the box set. But I'm short of cash at the moment so I have to wait...U2 seems to need money
  4. the Deluxe Edition smees just fine for me.
  5. Will wait until I see a confirmed Track listing but probably the bells & whistles one.
  6. The big one. I love TUF and I'm a sucker, lethal combination.
  7. CD or Deluxe, if I can afford it.
  8. Either the big one or the 2 cd's...not sure just yet
  9. Big limited edition as a Christmas present. Folks will pre-order it for me.
  10. going for the limited edition, need to save money for that first though -- wonder why this stuff always has to be so expensive
  11. My family and I are about to move, so just about anything that is not a bill is really expensive for us right now lol. Later on in the year, I will purchase the Box Set.