1. 100 visits or 100 different visitors? Does that work with IPs or what? Because I have dynamic IP and I must count as one different visitor each day, then
  2. He said unique visitors so I guess he means different ones
  3. Originally posted by Remy:[..]

    In terms of registration, the US, UK, Italy, France, Germany and the Netherlands are the top countries (in the same order). Which makes quite some sense in absolute numbers.

    In terms of visitors, this is the overlay map for the last month, the darker, the more visitors:


    Australia never was that dark before

    Belgium.... , surrounded by 'U2countries'
  4. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]

    100 visits or 100 different visitors? Does that work with IPs or what? Because I have dynamic IP and I must count as one different visitor each day, then

    Normally it works with IPs + cookie (for the reason you mention), but we dont know where they get their data from. Not from us Again, think its just a rough estimate ?

  5. Yes, true. In the end it might be just 75 unique ones or so.
  6. Oh, by the way, let's hope JulienLoseless doesn't see this topic, maybe he'll start with the "How many money you make out of U2start per month" story again
  8. that's very nice