1. On the bottom of the pages, their are a ''Did you know'' and a quote related to U2 .... where the hell did these were found ? ^^

    And who (im guessing Remi) found them ? because their just so many and must of them are awsome. !

    like this one: did you know?
    During the Achtung Baby recordings Bono often howled his frustration on mistakes, after a while the band imposed a new band rule: the hyped-up Bono is permanently forbidden to drink cofee.

    Well, that was all I hade to say, other that I'm to sure if my post is in the right forun
  2. I found them all over the internet, just added tens of more quotes this evening, U2start has more than 400 quotes now. And sometimes I grab an U2 book and read it, if I see a good quote I add it to the site.

    I love them too, it's great to read every one of the facts and quotes
  3. weel very nice you did their,
  4. This is another great feature U2start offers more than other sites People in the world may know that here they can find every bootleg, every video, extra audio, a lot of great photos, tons of quotes, and most of all a huge and pleasant community
    Could anybody ask for more?