1. Hi there, just a quick hello from a new poster on the forum

    I am based in the Western Isles of Scotland at the far end of the island where next stop is the Atlantic Ocean - can be great on sunny days but terrible when it is is raining and windy (quite often it is!!)

    Look forward to hearing from a few off you on here

  2. Hello!

    Welcome to U2Start. I'm in the Lake District, so not a million miles away.

    Good to see you on here, get stuck into the forums, they can be very addictive!

    Nice introduction
  3. No name man? Huge welcome to yourself. Sounds like a lovely spot of the world your living in up there. I bet it gets some wild weather. Enjoy the forums
  4. Welcome here rotovator! Hope your time spent here is great.
  5. Welcome!!!!
  6. Welcome, much fun!
  7. hey there and welcome
  8. Wellcome at U2 start com.
    Enjoy it !!!!
  9. welcome here man!you're gonna have a great time!
  10. Welcome. I wish sunny days for you!
  11. Originally posted by rotovatorHi there, just a quick hello from a new poster on the forum

    I am based in the Western Isles of Scotland at the far end of the island where next stop is the Atlantic Ocean - can be great on sunny days but terrible when it is is raining and windy (quite often it is!!)

    Look forward to hearing from a few off you on here


    Good afternoon Rotovator, and hope to see you around here!
  12. My pleasure!! Nice to meet you, and fantastic introduction you wrote!!
