1. Well, It was my 100th post anniversary yesterday, and i realised I never actually introduced myself!

    I'm James, 18, from North London, Got into U2 when ATYCLB was released, happy days

    I'm currently at Universtiy in West London reading politics, having a good time!

    Yet to see the boys live, but next tour im there everywhere!!

    So, yeah,

  2. hi james , how are you? greetings from argentine.
  3. Nice introduction James

    We've chatted before and we'll do so some more I'm sure, but officially Hello!
  4. nice one James on both the intro and the 100 posts. Keep them coming.
  5. Originally posted by indiewaremassive

    I'm currently at Universtiy in West London reading politics, having a good time!

    got curious...what is your major in? political sciences?
    (sorry if that's not the correc term, here in Brazil, college is a bit different...)
  6. Originally posted by _BrownEyedGirl_[..]

    got curious...what is your major in? political sciences?
    (sorry if that's not the correc term, here in Brazil, college is a bit different...)

    they look to be the same for me...they just have different names for things.
  7. Yeah political science, american/british politics/world politicis, political theory...too much to keep up with
  8. Hello there James and a late welcome to U2start! I think when ATYCLB first came out it was happy days for everyone.
  9. This is true, a great album it can't be denied
  10. What's your favourite from ATYCLB?
  11. So may became fans with ATYCLB, I'm probably one of them too (What made me go look for U2 in the end was Hands That Built America, but when I went looking, I found ATYCLB ).

    (late) Welcome and see you around, thanks for introducing yourself
  12. Originally posted by Ali709So may became fans with ATYCLB, I'm probably one of them too (What made me go look for U2 in the end was Hands That Built America, but when I went looking, I found ATYCLB ).

    (late) Welcome and see you around, thanks for introducing yourself

    I actually remember hearing Mofo and Discotheque ages before ATYCLB. So I guess that I sub-consciously knew of them before ATYLCB, though that made me more aware.