1. Well, dear ladies and gentlemen, after 249 days and 999 posts, I'm on the 'Edge' of post number 1000. I never really had an introduction when I joined this place, so you all can consider this as one.

    My real name is Casper as you can see in my profile. I live in Holland in a common village called Bunschoten. I'm 18 years old now with 2 months left for my birthday. I fell in love with U2 when my brother bought All That You Can't Leave Behind in 2000. I already knew U2, I could sing along with the usual and well known songs like Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year's Day etc. My brother isn't a die-hard fan but he was just interested in U2 back then.

    In these days, I was looking for music that would fit me. I listened to trance, pop and loads of other crap. I discovered rock-music because my brother listened to the Rolling Stones and Guns 'n Roses. I bought some albums from Linkin Park and RHCP, but U2 opened a door for me I'd never seen before. Once I entered, I couldn't go back...I didn't want it either. I realised how brilliant U2 was, especially live, when I watched Slane on TV. The following summer, I bought every album, DVD and U2 related item I could find. Since then, I can call myself a die-hard fan.

    But still I missed something, and that was sharing my passion with other real fans. I don't know many U2-fans in real life. I know some people who like their music, but that's all. 249 days ago, I searched Youtube for some U2 footage when I suddenly discovered a vid which had been posted by Remy (as I got to know later). The link U2Start.com was interesting enough for me to visit...you all know the result. This place is one of the best on the internet for the real U2-fan. Therefore, I want to thank Remy and his co-operator. Also want to thank all the lads here and I won't say any names because I'll forget 90%..

    Usually I'm a quiet guy who doesn't want a lot of attention, but I felt it was necessary.

    All the best to you and U2,
  2. Originally posted by MWSAHWell, dear ladies and gentlemen, after 249 days and 999 posts, I'm on the 'Edge' of post number 1000. I never really had an introduction when I joined this place, so you all can consider this as one.

    My real name is Casper as you can see in my profile. I live in Holland in a common village called Bunschoten. I'm 18 years old now with 2 months left for my birthday. I fell in love with U2 when my brother bought All That You Can't Leave Behind in 2000. I already knew U2, I could sing along with the usual and well known songs like Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year's Day etc. My brother isn't a die-hard fan but he was just interested in U2 back then.

    In these days, I was looking for music that would fit me. I listened to trance, pop and loads of other crap. I discovered rock-music because my brother listened to the Rolling Stones and Guns 'n Roses. I bought some albums from Linkin Park and RHCP, but U2 opened a door for me I'd never seen before. Once I entered, I couldn't go back...I didn't want it either. I realised how brilliant U2 was, especially live, when I watched Slane on TV. The following summer, I bought every album, DVD and U2 related item I could find. Since then, I can call myself a die-hard fan.

    But still I missed something, and that was sharing my passion with other real fans. I don't know many U2-fans in real life. I know some people who like their music, but that's all. 249 days ago, I searched Youtube for some U2 footage when I suddenly discovered a vid which had been posted by Remy (as I got to know later). The link U2Start.com was interesting enough for me to visit...you all know the result. This place is one of the best on the internet for the real U2-fan. Therefore, I want to thank Remy and his co-operator. Also want to thank all the lads here and I won't say any names because I'll forget 90%..

    Usually I'm a quiet guy who doesn't want a lot of attention, but I felt it was necessary.

    All the best to you and U2,

    Great story mate!
  3. So that's what MWSAH stands for! I'm just terrible at acronyms!
    Great story indeed, and nice to meet you better! I'm just around 170 posts, will be there soon!
  4. Originally posted by Ali709So that's what MWSAH stands for! I'm just terrible at acronyms!

    It is? Crap! I'm worse than you. I just got it.
  5. Originally posted by easports43[..]

    It is? Crap! I'm worse than you. I just got it.

    Haha! It's great not to be the only one
    Love the Edgy avatar BTW!
  6. Originally posted by Ali709[..]

    Haha! It's great not to be the only one
    Love the Edgy avatar BTW!

    Thanks! Love the Bono avatar.
  7. Originally posted by MWSAHWell, dear ladies and gentlemen, after 249 days and 999 posts, I'm on the 'Edge' of post number 1000. I never really had an introduction when I joined this place, so you all can consider this as one.

    My real name is Casper .........
    ........All the best to you and U2,

    Great stuff. Welcome to your 1000th!! Hope to be joining that milestone soon.

  8. nice introduction. Can I be the first to say that Casper is a feckin cool name
  9. Originally posted by germcevoyCan I be the first to say that Casper is a feckin cool name

    hahahaha! It is.
  10. bravo !

    And, i assure you i'll be the next at 1 000
  11. hey nice to meet you and good introduction!!!!!!!
  12. Originally posted by germcevoynice introduction. Can I be the first to say that Casper is a feckin cool name

    Exactly what I was thinking!