1. Speedtv in the States has been playing a clip of a pit lane quickie one liner from Bono at the Grand Prix of Monaco this year - just like Bono to sound so earnest even with a throw away line in an unusual setting....

    Anyway - I've been lurking around this site since quite close to when it opened. Love the downloads. Have been a big fan for over 20 years now. I'm in Pittsburgh, PA - USA and have seen U2 shows from Joshua Tree tour, Outside Broadcast/Zooropa, Pop, Elevation, Vertigo... In Pittsburgh, Cleveland, D.C., Philadelphia, as well as Cork and Dublin for the Zooropa tour (Life changing experience those two, I'll tell ya.....)

    I had posted about my Quixotic quest for a "Trabants in a Fishbowl" screensaver and agreed that if I'm going to be askin' I might as well give a little info on myself....

    G'Day - Y'all.....

  2. Welcome...hope to see ya around
  3. Welcome, fellow..
    I recommend you to get yourself an avatar. So your posts will be instantly recognized. ;?

    See you around
  4. great intro. Welcome to the boards
  5. welcome!!
    nice shows you have attended!! I'm jealuos!! in a good way though!!
    cheers mate!!
  6. Maaan...you've seen so many shows and I have seen none!

    But Welcome! I'm Ali, hope to see you around
  7. Awesome intro. Welcome!
  8. Originally posted by aserapigSpeedtv in the States has been playing a clip of a pit lane quickie one liner from Bono at the Grand Prix of Monaco this year - just like Bono to sound so earnest even with a throw away line in an unusual setting....

    Anyway - I've been lurking around this site since quite close to when it opened. Love the downloads. Have been a big fan for over 20 years now. I'm in Pittsburgh, PA - USA and have seen U2 shows from Joshua Tree tour, Outside Broadcast/Zooropa, Pop, Elevation, Vertigo... In Pittsburgh, Cleveland, D.C., Philadelphia, as well as Cork and Dublin for the Zooropa tour (Life changing experience those two, I'll tell ya.....)

    I had posted about my Quixotic quest for a "Trabants in a Fishbowl" screensaver and agreed that if I'm going to be askin' I might as well give a little info on myself....

    G'Day - Y'all.....

    So g'day from Australia! 20 years is longer than many of us have been around.
  9. hi and welcome !!!!
    spent a great time on the site