1. The only question among me is : is it more interesting for a u2 fan to watch this 3 cam mix version or the only chrisedge camera which is not great for 70% of the time ? My answer is A . Its not a jugement about video quality, i know how hard it is to film good a long time. But its what multicam is about. To make somethlng watchable in the end. No Time for legality. Just passion.
  2. you mostly seem to choose what suits you best and then, if it doesn't suit the people concerned, well too bad, I'll go anyway, in the name of passion... The thing is passion is also what drives the ones you are "borrowing" from without permission.
    In a nutshell, you invent rules that run only for yourself, based on explanations that hardly convince no one, and you break others when they don't suit you, by brandishing the golden argument (rules are made to be broken)

    funny way of doing things
  3. I think the original opening post question has been answered, let's not turn this into another neverending debate and personal arguments.