1. We have a new You Too poll, you can vote for this new poll on the frontpage and discuss it in this thread.

    The question of this new You Too is:

    You Too: Which part of the Sphere shows do you look forward to the most?
    - Achtung Baby played in full
    - The Sphere's technology and screen
    - The graphics produced for the show
    - See U2 perform in a new formation
  2. The venue/tech
  3. Wish there was another option. I’m most excited about seeing them perform, but kind of ho hum on it being Achtung Baby…
  4. AB is my favorite album, so those songs (except for MW) I'm most looking forward to. Also intrigued about the sound- I'm in the nosebleeds for my show, and if they make it sound good I'll be impressed enough LOL
  5. I suppose I wouldn’t be going to Vegas if it weren’t for the Sphere but they probably wouldn’t be doing this whole AB retrospective without it.

    In any event, it’s all about the performance of those 12 songs. Everything else is gravy.
  6. As a younger fan, I'm thrilled to hear the formerly ZOO TV-exclusive songs that I was not alive to even have the ability to see.
  7. That‘s a very good reason to look forward to these shows!
  8. None of the options are relevant. All songs have been played live so far. So cruel only 4 times. Why are you still playing them? I'm not interested in the new drummer. The 16k curved screen is old school. The graphics will be simple. The prices of the tickets are far too expensive for this and do not justify it. I think U2 want to cash in big again at the end of their career, but have forgotten where they come from because the money blind them. U2 and Bono want to explain and show us fans how the world should work in his speeches? It must be said that Bono was unable to effect or change anything.
  9. Originally posted by felix2:None of the options are irrelevant. All songs have been played live so far. So cruel only 4 times. Why are you still playing them? I'm not interested in the new drummer. The 16k curved screen is old school. The graphics will be simple. The prices of the tickets are far too expensive for this and do not justify it. I think U2 want to cash in big again at the end of their career, but have forgotten where they come from because the money blinds them.
    You basically said that all of those options are relevant, just sayin. Yeah, I'm sure it will be like watching an Atari 2600 game šŸ˜
  10. Originally posted by felix2:None of the options are relevant. All songs have been played live so far. So cruel only 4 times. Why are you still playing them? I'm not interested in the new drummer. The 16k curved screen is old school. The graphics will be simple. The prices of the tickets are far too expensive for this and do not justify it. I think U2 want to cash in big again at the end of their career, but have forgotten where they come from because the money blinds them.
    It's going to be the highest resolution LED screen in the world. Your continued criticism of the technology behind it is uninformed.
  11. Idk why anyone is really excited about the sphere. If it weren’t U2 playing there, no one in this forum would care
  12. And who tf would ever want Larry replaced?