1. It's not even today in some parts of the world 😂
  2. Midday eastern time perhaps? Think that’s a time they’ve went with before for announcements and releases. So potentially about 7 and a half hours from now. Can’t say I’m sitting here eagerly anticipating it but I’ll certainly give it a listen.
  3. Dream out loud! Never stop imagining
  4. Originally posted by Unodostres123:Midday eastern time perhaps? Think that’s a time they’ve went with before for announcements and releases. So potentially about 7 and a half hours from now. Can’t say I’m sitting here eagerly anticipating it but I’ll certainly give it a listen.
    It's possible but I woke up to With Or Without You so I'm thinking we aren't getting One today.
  5. Hahaha never forget about The Best Thing, with Lillywhite changing the song the day before the release.
  6. These at least have to be finished for months since it's a vinyl release
  7. Final master for the physical pressings was submitted July 2022 for the 4-disc album.
  8. WOW!

    They actually finished it ages ago. That's a first!

    I'm thinking of Bono's comment "Edge is still mixing our last album".
  9. Originally posted by Remy:[..]
    Hahaha never forget about The Best Thing, with Lillywhite changing the song the day before the release.
    i cant remember- did the version that were about to go with ever surface? Was it that "Sci-fi Soul" version?