2015-05-15 - Vancouver
Тур: Innocence and Experience tour
Песен исполнено: 26
аудиозаписи: 6
Видео: 1
  1. That would have been nice! But any next time now would be better!

    I guess it will comes down to the question how soon that miracle drug will be available
  2. I find it interesting that we only hear "MOAR SHIMMER" in Edges mix, and not over the PA. Joe O must not care for more shimmer in the PA mix.
  3. Loved that Moment Of Surrender snippet
  4. It was an amazing in 2005
  5. Gee...this Mother and Child reunion also gets a total new perspective...talking 'bout a little virus!
  6. Ha! Didn't think about it like that but you're right.
  7. More technical note: I love how the ambience of "Rogers" was captured

    (I mean foremost the "sound" of the room...but, yeah, the crowd too!)
  8. Very careful mixing
  9. Real-talk though--it's mostly about approaching your reverbs to match the sound of the hall.
  10. Serious? Not primarily from the audience feed?

  11. Mix of reverb, extracted crowd noise and room hall from Bono's IEM, and audience feed. All mixed at varying levels, especially at key points between songs.
  12. When in 2015 I woke up in the middle of the night for show + setlist parties, I really could be brought to tears by hearing Beautiful Day when at the same time at my place the sun was rising

    (think I was a little too late for that this morning... )