1. Originally posted by LikeASong:A new, improved version is about to be released out by our friends from U2Chile. Sounds and looks great, might be the definitive version of this gig.

    The complete show will be available on this same youtube channel on Feb 28th

    [YouTube Video]
    Oh they found the crowd I always wondered if this was a real gig or a rehearsal 🤔
  2. In general there is a much better audio and in the video part there is also post / production

  3. So...I'm assuming this is canned crowd noise?
  4. That's what I thought. Might not be accurate, historically, but if it enhances the listening fun, it's okay. I just hope it's repetitive.
  5. It’s something I’ve thought about before actually if a recording was significantly lacking only 1 element ie Bass could bass from another show be used in a recording? Particularly with the more modern shows where they use an IEM to keep time. I’ve also been thinking about the opposite to an extent with Mercy from brussels using the IEM mix vocals on an edit over the wide awake in Europe one just for the chorus bit. They edited out the original vocals for the official release and it sounds awful. Although I know that couldn’t be shared on here if someone tried it.
  6. They already uploaded the full show
  7. Can you share it on Flac?

  8. On February 28, the remastered concert of Adelaide is published in full form via youtube
  9. That's great. Really looking forward to it.