2019-11-27 - Perth
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour 2019
Wykonane utwory: 26
Nagrania audio: 1
  1. So GA only sorted by hundreds. Had 314 but most ahead of me
  2. up early to listen, the last shows all have started around 4:30 am here east coast USA...but today 7:30 am?
    I am going to check after I post this.........
  3. just checked, Perth is 3 hours behind Sydney.....so it is 7:30 am
    didn't realize Australia is so big to have a 3 hour time difference from one side to the other...like New York -California.
    sorry for doubting U2start
  4. It’s normally 2 hours in winter because Perth doesn’t have daylight savings
  5. theres a show starting in 20 minutes btw
  6. Ok maybe I was wrong about not staying up
  7. I just saw a leaked setlist, they seem to be opening with

    Spoiler (click to toggle)
    Another Time, Another Place

  8. Sitting in the office patiently waiting