2018-10-03 - Hamburg
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 23
Audio recordings: 2
Videos: 1
  1. Originally posted by OneLight:[..]
    I tried to get on U2Start for this one and too many users were on the site so I couldn't...and bloody well missed it again!

    You can go to mixlr.com/u2gigs directly
  2. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    I love the live version but can quite happily switch Zooropa off before the album version, just not a fan of Johnny cash. It doesn’t feel like it’s a u2 song or part of the album with him singing it.
    Oh man really? Always loved that one.
  3. Bono dedicated 13 to a friend who passed away...
  4. What a great Mixlr again !
  5. Start up the limos....
  6. Melancholy...it's over
  7. Bye guys
  8. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    I love the live version but can quite happily switch Zooropa off before the album version, just not a fan of Johnny cash. It doesn’t feel like it’s a u2 song or part of the album with him singing it.
    That live version is regularly played in this home of mine. Absolute gem to have a band version.
    I understand about what you say about Johnny Cash though. I felt the same too initially upon hearing it and would often not give it the time of day until i sat down many months later after the release and read the words. I saw the sadness and the humour in it. The human condition all wrapped up in one take. And that line... 'i went out walking with a bible and a gun' just nails it for me. It is one of my most played U2 songs of them all. And to think I own one of the very few in-house promotional CDs made by the Creative Department is just the treasure of all U2 treasures for me that features alternate lyrics.