2018-05-19 - Omaha
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 26
Audio recordings: 0
  1. I never been there personally, but I imagine everyone there will be wearing cowboy hats!
  2. Richest man in the world (at least at one recent point in time) still lives in Omaha if I'm not mistaken.
  3. When they say Omaha I always think of the Alexander Payne movies Election, About Schmidt, Nebraska. Anyone else too?
  4. yes, warren buffett. that's why i've been joking that the real reason U2 is playing omaha is they're being paid for a big party for warren's family... and then anyone that buys tickets is just icing on the cake.
  5. Originally posted by blueeyedboy:[..]
    yes, warren buffett. that's why i've been joking that the real reason U2 is playing omaha is they're being paid for a big party for warren's family... and then anyone that buys tickets is just icing on the cake.
    This is actually hilarious and almost feasible
  6. very feasible, right? guaranteed money. easy crowd. and still accessible to fan base (unlike DreamForce)
  7. I know Bufett is actually pretty generous and gives most of his fortune away. I wonder if he'd spend so lavishly on himself to book himself a U2 show. Doubtful, but he does seem in line with their politics and is a good-natured man, also well known by the venue, as that's where he hosts his annual shareholders meeting.
  8. Originally posted by MattG:I know Bufett is actually pretty generous and gives most of his fortune away. I wonder if he'd spend so lavishly on himself to book himself a U2 show. Doubtful, but he does seem in line with their politics and is a good-natured man, also well known by the venue, as that's where he hosts his annual shareholders meeting.
    I just though I'd throw it out there since we're all throwing in our 2 cents on attendance, ticket sales, etc... The world can't have enough crazy conspiracy theories.
  9. Hey, still a worthwhile theory!