2017-07-25 - Paris
Tour: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Songs played: 23
Audio recordings: 3
Videos: 1
  1. Maybe.

    Can we expect a It Is not Over 'til It's Over Snippet in BD, or Are You Gonna Go My Way Snippet in Vertigo?

    Is it too much to ask?
  2. French words - ✓
    Epic night of rock - ✓
    Dodgy lyric
    Turn off the lights Willie
    I'd like to thank...
    Womankind, elevate my mind
    Eight million, three million in Africa
    Strange ending
  3. Refresh the page
  4. Originally posted by iTim:French words - ✓
    Epic night of rock - ✓
    Dodgy lyric
    Turn off the lights Willie
    I'd like to thank...
    Womankind, elevate my mind
    Eight million, three million in Africa
    Strange ending
    We should play Bono-bingo
  5. Bongo?
  6. Originally posted by iTim:French words - ✓
    Epic night of rock - ✓
    Dodgy lyric
    Turn off the lights Willie
    I'd like to thank...
    Womankind, elevate my mind
    Eight million, three million in Africa
    Strange ending
    Thanks for this. I can't listen in. This is all I need to know.
  7. Just in time for the snippet section...
  8. Thirty years ago... - ✓
  9. heroes
  10. Heroes!! just for One day!!!