1. Don't really have anything to say about them. Just figured since we're in a U2 site and we have Pearl Jam, Coldplay, Muse and Springsteen forums, we might as well throw in a New Kids.

    Donnie rocks.

  2. Is this another Drunk Thread?
  3. Nope. Afraid not.
  4. Mmm... if set A is U2 fans and set B is NKOB fans...
  5. Who is this?
  6. Oh oh oh oh
  7. +2

    This is my statement thread. If we can have Springsteen, Pearl Jam, Coldplay, Muse and Killers topics on sacred U2 ground... Why not NKOTB? Or maybe Milli Vanilli. Yeah. I think I'm gonna start a Milli Vanilli topic, too!

    Go to Pearl Jam fansite and open a U2 thread. See where that goes.
  8. God bless your soul Greg