1. Passengers, Midnight Oil, Duran Duran and random stuff from Bandcamp.
  2. I'm studying, so looking for rather calm, smooth music...

    Editors (In Dream is not that bad for it)
    Coldplay (Ghost Stories)
    Amy Winehouse
    Selah Sue
    Oscar and the Wolf
    Hugh Laurie
    Bon Iver
    Robbie Williams (Swing when you're winning)

    Other suggestions are always welcome.
  3. I'd suggest anything in the Ambient series by Brian Eno, some of the more relaxing Buckethead albums, Pink Floyd (anything, but especially The Division Bell / The Endless River), Sigur Ros...
  4. ^thanks!
  5. Originally posted by drewhiggins:I'd suggest anything in the Ambient series by Brian Eno, some of the more relaxing Buckethead albums, Pink Floyd (anything, but especially The Division Bell / The Endless River), Sigur Ros...
    Ambient 1 is a fantastic album. I love 2/2. Sigur Ros are great too.
  6. I've basically been on a Kanye kick off and on since the summer. Eagerly anticipating his new album.
  7. Bowie, Radiohead, Boss, Muse, Sigur Ros, Editors, Snow Patrol (hope they are back soon) Travis......
  8. Lloyd Cole, J-L Aubert, Depeche Mode...
  9. Golden Earring
  10. David Bowie even before the news of his passing, but especially now. Noel Gallagher's solo stuff, Marvin Gaye...and would I get any knowing nods if I said my guilty pleasure is One Direction?
  11. Quite (pleasantly) surprised by Genesis and David Bowie.
    About how many songs I actually knew by them without really knowing.
    And about how different and artistic some other songs are. Especially the early work.