1. Who do you think is better?
  2. Bruce, e'ryday.
  3. No doubt Bruce.
  4. No better or worse, just different.

    Screw that, there's a reason why Bruce is called The Boss.
  5. I take it you guys don't think "American Girl" is the better song than "Born to Run"?
  6. Do not know American Girl.
  7. Both are better songs than "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" or "I Threw A Brick Through A Window", and still The Beatles and U2 rank above Tom and Bruce in my book. One song does not define a full career. Pointless questions, sir.
  8. The question should, of course, be: who do you like better? Tom Petty or Bruce Springsteen...

    - I like Bruce better, but I bought 'Damn The Torpedos' before I bought 'Born To Run'
    (I'm talking vinyl here - the latter I own twice on CD, the former not once )
  9. Bruce.
  10. I don't know much about Tom Petty so it's probably unfair, but Bruce by a long shot. Nothing I've ever heard from Petty has ever inspired me to dig deeper into his stuff, and the song I associate with him most, Free Fallin, I find offensively boring.