1. Remy, Patrick & Cesar,

    I know I'm communicating out this thread of frustration, but my anger is not directed towards any of you here, and I apologize if I have come across that way.

    I simply started the discussion here because I didn't want to assume anything about what led to the decision, and it made more sense to inquire here first before escalating further elsewhere.

    I didn't want to start out out by assuming malicious intent by these particular tapers, and am surprised and disappointed in them. I think that forcing arbitrary stipulations, holding the community hostage, and threatening to rage-quit if we don't cave to their every demand is pretty immature and pathetic of them.

    I also want to express gratitude to you (and anyone else) over the years who have made our lives easier on us by converting to MP3 for us in the cases where it has been allowed.

    I still think the rule is ridiculous and may take this up elsewhere, but I don't blame you at all for abiding by it, if you have in fact been threatened.
  2. Originally posted by u2met86:Remy, Patrick & Cesar,

    I know I'm communicating out this thread of frustration, but my anger is not directed towards any of you here, and I apologize if I have come across that way.


    That's fine, I understand and that is completely fine. For now, not much we or I can do then, other than leaving this a space where people can share their frustration but I hope also their gratitude.

    I would be happy to put you in contact with some of the tapers who enforce these limitations
  3. There are tapers that are members of this site. I hope they read this thread and can offer you their reasons for doing that.
  4. By the way, we did have a very lengthy thread on this in the past:

    With some input from tapers as well. Please don't bump the thread, but it would be good to read through. Although that is six years ago some of the things still apply (and some don't, as we also changed our policy since).
  5. There has always been the debate between mp3 and Flac ,and it is a preference of some to only use Flac..i personally use mp3 only because i have a large capacity ipod currently holding most of the current tour!

    I can offer another audio converter if you want to try it?
  6. Bad part of it are tags. Mp3 are always tagged, FLACs are not even if it's possible to tag it... it takes the most of time... if the FLACs are tagged, conversion to mp3 is quick...
  7. We can't bite off the hand that feeds us. We might not agree but this is how the taping community has formed itself. Until each of us start producing high quality recordings that we wil l happily share in mp3 then we just have to continue in as we are.
  8. Why do people want MP3s anyway, what an inconvenience when some people use Periscope and Mixlr to narrowcast the show live. I, for one, cannot wait for some taper to convert his pull and upload it in flac, or even MP3… takes too long! I need my show right now! Isn't the Montreal show up yet? Why not???

    Really? When I started listening to U2 shows I had to tape them off the radio myself or wait from my buddy to bring one by so I could dub it. When the Elevation Tour came 'round and I could join a CD-Tree, that was heaven.

    If you need your quick fix, watch Youtube while you wait the extra half hour to download and convert.

    Cheers & Apologies to J. Swift...
  9. Originally posted by brewdog:
    When I started listening to U2 shows I had to tape them off the radio myself or wait from my buddy to bring one by so I could dub it. When the Elevation Tour came 'round and I could join a CD-Tree, that was heaven.

    If you need your quick fix, watch Youtube while you wait the extra half hour to download and convert.

    You simultaneously misunderstood and demonstrated my entire point.

    The point was not the half hour. It has nothing to do with a quick fix.

    The issue was being FORCED to go through a needlessly indirect process which TAKES a half-hour to get the MP3 boot, when current technology makes it possible to complete this entire process DIRECTLY in about 3-5 minutes. And having the reason for this stipulation be nothing better than "because this particular taper says so," and finding out that they get pissed off and threaten to punish everyone if 1 member of this forum is willing to do some intermediary steps ONCE to kindly save some time for thousands of other people so they don't all have to do them individually.

    When you started, you HAD to tape U2 shows off the radio because that was the best or only option available to you based on technological limitations of the time.

    Later on, as technology improved (in this case, affordable CD burning & trading went from impossible to possible), you were able to join a CD tree. Tapers during the Elevation Tour weren't preventing you from maximizing the convenience that technology allowed. They didn't arbitrarily force you to tape their shows off the radio, or force you to use some particular circuitous burning methodology that took a needlessly long time.
  10. You aren't forced to do anything might I had. I find converting FLAC files relatively straightforward and I'm more than happy to do it if MP3 is going to be handier for me.

    A workaround is available but it requires your input, a lot less input than buying equipment, travelling to a show, taping etc etc.

    We might agree with you but you will struggle to gain our sympathy.
  11. I'm not trying to gain your for sympathy with that last post - I felt brewdog misunderstood my point so I responded to it
  12. Up until 2 weeks ago, I had never converted a FLAC to MP3. If its the difference between having the recording or not having it, I am happy to do it. Sure, its a bit of a pain, but I'm old enough to remember having to spend half a day travelling 30 miles on a bus, to visit a record shop in another town, on the of chance he may have a cassette or an LP of a gig!