1. Anyone else hear "Knights in White Satin" by The Moody Blues in those chords?
  2. Very nice
  3. Bono is getting absolute pelters on Twitter for this. What's new?
  4. The Edge on Piano?
  5. Big is bad is the only explanation, they know criticising him or U2 always grabs attention or likes it's more of a reflection of their sad lives and how needy they are ,they aren't gonna write about the local musician who helped out and did a few songs at the homeless shelter .
  6. I think it's extraordinary, as a lot of simple gestures are in these days. Just wondering if it's him playing the piano?

    Or do I hear Edge as well near the end, which would make it likely it's Edge that's playing..
  7. Bono does play piano, but this sounds a little too effortless for a him.. Plus if he can't play guitar piano will also be (more) limited
  8. Originally posted by melon51:I think it's extraordinary, as a lot of simple gestures are in these days. Just wondering if it's him playing the piano?

    Or do I hear Edge as well near the end, which would make it likely it's Edge that's playing..
    I thought I could hear Edge singing at the end.
  9. 1) you can tell from where Bono's eyes are looking, that he isn't the one playing piano. He doesnt look down, not even for a second. and you can see that his arms arent moving at all. and they would if he was playing piano. Furthermore, you can outright hear him address the piano player at 3:23 saying "and again" for another round of bars.

    2) i doubt it is Edge playing piano. otherwise, he would have filled in with backing harmonies, or otherwise be addressed by Bono