1. This topic title refers to latest Coldplay album I guess
  2. Let the folks that actually have something to say here carry on their conversation.
  3. listening to The Brew... not bad... really not bad
  4. Ladies and gentleman, I'm in!
  5. 3 songs into The Brew... Awesome. Brand new to me. Refreshing...
  6. Listening to Mute now, awesome album so far!
  7. Good to have you on board, Tim.

    I started to Play this album yesterday on YouTube, but I had to Pause it after Eject to do something and forgot to return to it. I liked what I had heard though. Will give it a full run through either tomorrow or Friday now.
  8. So, so good. I sense a strong hint of The Cult with a dash of Soundgarden and a throat punch of good, solid, straightforward rock-n-roll.

    Thanks for sharing this.
  9. Thanks for the first hints lads, glad you're enjoying the album and the band so far
  10. Work started again a few weeks ago so I haven't had time to do these albums for a while now. If I have any time Saturday or Sunday I will try to get one of these last two in though.
  11. The Brew - Control

    Never heard of these guys. But looking forward to listening. The songs titles are very cool.

    Repeat kicks us off and I like it. Very driven song, and I quite like the vocals, but let's see if I can stand a full albums worth of this. Eject has the lyric "Now I suspect that I'm in too deep / I'll ask to borrow 007's ejector seat" which could've have been written by an intellectual tortoise. Other than that humorous line, it's a good song. "Eject, at the point of effect" is quite catchy. Mute is not too different from what we've heard before, there's something very Muse about the 2:55 mark. Ok song, though nothing really stands out as in the previous two. At the point of Pause, I'm hoping for something a little different. I really like the intro and there's promise that we're in for some variation. I really like the tone of the guitar at points during this song (mainly the start and end). I guess we can call that a slower song, it does peak towards the end. Shuffle is filed in the same box as Mute, for me. Ok, but not noteworthy. Quite a bombardment. Fast Forward is a catchy little number. "I'm gonna fast forward!" Sounds like an updated 80's rock song. Skip is something I could arguably do to this song. Chorus is pleasant, but the verses are somewhat forgetful. What's this at the start of Stop though? A softer sound, I like it. Play is cool. I'm getting tired of these solo's though. "Oh, I think I'll play the music!" - some famous name dropped in this one, Bowie, Lennon, McCartney. I like this one. Finally, closing the album we have Rewind, which is a clever place to put a song titled as such. I won't be rewinding just yet though. Another damn solo, but ok otherwise. I do like how it ends.

    Overall. Not entirely my cup of tea, but by no means awful. I could listen to it again in full, but it's probably not something I'd choose to do often. If you like a harder sound, then you'll probably thoroughly enjoy this. But for me, smaller doses are fine.

    Top three tracks:
    - Eject
    - Fast Forward
    - Repeat

    Rating: 6 out of 10