1. That's great!

    Hope you get the chance to meet her sometime sooner or later. She's lovely...

    And I've been listen to this album a lot during the last weeks. If I'd have to make a list of Joss Stone best songs, I'd propably choose 3 or 4 songs just from this album.

  2. i'm so excited to hear her cover of "The High Road". Terrific modern song that I would love to hear her spin on.
  3. It's pretty great in my opinion. The combination of Joss voice and song's guitar is really powerfull.
  4. I haven't heard a Joss Stone song in my life, so this will be nice. I'm obviously in Thanks Aidan!

    In the meanwhile, I've listened to Black Love by The Afghan Whigs again, and also to another album by them (Gentlemen) and I'm still loving it!
  5. Originally posted by LikeASong:I haven't heard a Joss Stone song in my life, so this will be nice. I'm obviously in Thanks Aidan!

    In the meanwhile, I've listened to Black Love by The Afghan Whigs again, and also to another album by them (Gentlemen) and I'm still loving it!

    Great to hear, Sergio! Gentlemen is a great album too, probably considered their best by the most people Try 1965 as well for some lighter more fun-oriented Whigs music.

    Meanwhile I haven't written my review for Black Love yet... Really poor of me. I've been much busier than I thought I'd be on holiday.
  6. Originally posted by LikeASong:I haven't heard a Joss Stone song in my life, so this will be nice. I'm obviously in Thanks Aidan!

    In the meanwhile, I've listened to Black Love by The Afghan Whigs again, and also to another album by them (Gentlemen) and I'm still loving it!

    Well, I'm a Los Campesinos! fan because of you, so I hope to repay you now

  7. +1

    and i heard good things about her so i will give her a chance
  8. This is definitely not my style, so I'm probably not gonna listening to it again, maybe just a few songs for the mood. It's nice but music doesn't do anything to me, just as background. Of course, there are some good parts. But there is one thing: her voice. Thats amazing.
    I've heard some songs before, so I knew what it will be like.
    The songs just have flown through my ears and after that I don't remember anything, just her voice which is amazing so as her legs are lol
  9. I'm going to give this a listen tomorrow
  10. About Black Love - The Afghan Whigs

    i listen again and i like it . I didn t know them and as many told yet i felt some things like Pearl Jam .

    Top 3:

    My Enemy

    a 8/10 for me
  11. Made it through my first run of the Joss Stone record today. I especially liked the cover of Broken Bells' "The High Road" though there were definitely other highlights. I'll have to give it another listen to pick out track titles, as I was listening at work and couldn't really keep up with what they were called.

    I will say this, though - I loved her voice and her take on the soul genre. Usually with soul/blues music, you get very raw and emotional performances, whose nuances make each performance unique and never quite "calculated." With Joss, however (and this isn't a bad thing), the smoothness of her voice and her energy and to some extent, calculation of her singing, made each song very straight forward and fluid. While it's true that the typical raw-emotive soul performance may come off as more "authentic," (we know Bono doesn't give a fuck about that word anyway), the niceness of Joss's voice and how powerful her delivery is while still remaining very on-pitch with every note makes these covers stand out. An atypical soul performance that ironically is a great template for mainstream soul.

    I know the above probably doesn't make much sense...I'm letting my mind flow onto the page...but in all, excellent choice Aidan. I thoroughly enjoyed that listen.