1. Well hello Joseph
  2. Could've swore Sergio posted here before you Matt... Voodoo lark.

    Hello to you too good sir.
  3. Nominations people! Help us set the awards up!!

    This was done this way so people could get more included in the awards, so pleeeease take the 2 or 3 minutes since you're already here and PM me or Sergio your nominations
  4. Will do
  5. Have not received any more of your personal nominations for categories! C'mon people it's easy!
  6. I hope I'll find the time for it tomorrow.
  7. Chill man, still two days left.

    But yes, give these guys a helping hand! The awards were amazing last year, if they're crap this year we'll blame those who didn't participate at this stage. You. And you over there.
  8. Do I have choose more than one name for each category? Guess I have some free time tomorrow night
  9. You may nominate as many people as you would like for each category. We will release nominations as we receive more
  10. I'll submit some nominations tomorrow
  11. Just do it now. Don't postpone you fat bastards.
  12. I need more time .... i hope can do it this week ...i m sorry