1. We will gather with U2 fans around the world to listen again "live" to an amazing show. This time we will listen to one of U2's most memorable shows, live from Sarajevo in 1997 which will be broadcasted on Sunday 18 November. The broadcast will start at 18:00 PM GMT time on this page, which equals to:

    - 12:00 PM US Central Time
    - 01:00 PM US East Coast
    - 18:00 London time (UK/Portugal)
    - 19:00 Central European Time (Netherlands/France/Spain/Italy/Germany)
    - 22:00 Moscow
    - 05:00 Sydney

    What U2start live show is all about and how it works can you read here:

    A twitter feed, U2start LiveTopics and a live audio stream will be present. We hope you will participate, mark it in your agenda already to make sure you will be there
  2. Viva Sarajevo, I'll be there.
  3. The bootleg that's the most special to me I hope I'll be there.
  4. great, hope to make it
  5. You must sing You must sing ......i will be there ...and singing !!!
  6. Hello! I'll be there
  7. I'll spread the word, and will be there myself, that's for sure
  8. Fantastic show, I'll be here
  9. Who made that picture? Looks awesome.