1. Matches round 9
    Liverpool - Fulham - 1
    Manchester United - Newcastle United - 1
    Arsenal - Newcastle United - 1
    Everton - Chelsea - 2
    Manchester City - Reading - 1

    Results round 9
    wowow - 5
    LikeASong - 5
    davec82 - 4
    AidanFormigoni - 4
    Andrew_C - 4
    clover68 - 4
    Alvin - 4
    iTim - 3
    jopvr - 3
    patou2 - 3
    skidevil - 2
    Remy - 1

    League results (after 9 rounds)
    1. Andrew_C - 27
    2. patou2 - 25
    3. iTim - 23
    3. clover68 - 23
    3. AidanFormigoni - 23
    3. LikeASong - 23
    3. davec82 - 23
    3. wowow - 23
    9. Mr_Trek - 19
    9. Remy - 19
    11. Alvin - 21
    12. jopvr - 18
    13. skidevil - 17
    14. KieranU2 - 11
    14. Risto - 11
    16. bartajax - 6
  2. That was it for 2012 Thank you all for participating!

    There's not so much involvement anymore as there was in the early days that we did this, so perhaps I'll decide to just have a break of this game until the next season (if anyone else wants to jump in my seat, be my guest..)

    Congratulations Andrew_C!
  3. I think there's still a healthy participation in this.

    Well done Andrew
  4. Damn, missed that round.
  5. Congratulations Andrew

    I was close ...