1. I like "Miami". And live they almost nailed it by the time they played England. Weird and disturbing. Love it.
    And yes much more interesting and risky than the "safe" next two albums.( although there are some good moments on Bomb)
  2. Awful song

    U2 is so great at creating memorable melodies and rhythms, Miami has neither. It's straight up noise, and it's not GOOD noise.

    God how I wish Pop was finished...(see: Gone New Mix)

    I say Do You Feel Loved is the most underrated song on that album, no one seems to talk about it but I think it's a fantastic song.
  3. I do think Do You Feel Loved is the most underrated song on the album. I think people don't talk about it because it was plagued with subpar live performances. It's also one of those songs that doesn't immediately stand out, though.
  4. I love Miami, Pop is a great album
  5. New mixes of disco, staring and gone were poor, album versions much better especially Gone. Love both versions of Please. Single versions of God and Last Night are better. That's completes Pop... Miami is cool, worse song is Playboy.
  6. I'm hoping they play at least 1 tune from Pop at some point and/or certain nights during the upcoming tour in its entirety, whether full or acoustic. I think the last time a song was played in full was Discotheque during the Vertigo Tour on a night in Toronto and one night in Chicago during the encore after coming back on stage with Pop Music playing. I remember being at the show and it was an unexpected surprise.
  7. I still stand behind my statement that Pop is one of the worst U2 albums due to sheer incompleteness. I've also generally not been supper impressed with live performances for many of the songs. If they do decide to bring back Pop in the next tour, I hope they get the performances right.
  8. Pop

    Miami is superb!

  9. Yes! I blast the live version from Leeds in my car when it gets to the chorus. Absolutely massive - possibly the hardest U2 has ever rocked. Love Bono belting out "MIAMI!" while The Edge rips into that riff. And I actually love the fact that it's in an otherwise very throwaway kind of song...
  10. Incompleteness? You mean not overly polished and fresh?
  11. No I mean incomplete. Honestly, the album doesn't sound like it's finished yet. The "new mixes" help somewhat, but even then some of those mixes are hit/miss. As a whole, the album is just very hard for me to digest as a whole since there are songs such as "Staring At The Sun" that are great sitting next to songs like "Miami" and "Playboy Mansion" that don't have much going for them.

    Admittedly, I think my opinions about Pop are based on the fact that I became a U2 fan after listening to HTDAAB as a teenager, so to me Pop doesn't sound "fresh"; it sounds "old."
  12. I see what you mean. You see I come from the other side. I was in my 20s when Pop came out and to me it was another step in pushing their boundaries and making the sort of music that seemed to interest them.
    "All that you can't leave behind" to me was the sound of a band trying to be popular and not trying to be interesting or pushing themselves creatively. But that's just my opinion.