1. fantastic thank you in flac by any chance?
  2. Download just finished - just listening to EBTTRT now

    We are truly spoiled by the great guys and gals who run this website - the quality of this is fantastic - and to add to the Vertigo show from Miami I just recently downloaded.

    Thousand thanks for this - and enjoy the holidays.
  3. you got to thank the tapers. Crew of u2start doesnt tape
  4. (doesn't tape U2...I regullarly tape most of the non-U2 concerts I attend)

    @Genaro Barely noticeable, just at the start of some songs.
  5. So in the context of u2 shows you dont tape
  6. I wouldn't be able to stand a U2 without jumping or screaming like mad
  7. Any chance of a matrix with the heartland source. I'd do it myself but I don't have the software or know how.
  8. Fantastic quality ..............thanks for this
  9. thanks guys I uploaded this show in my account u2mp3s.com, I'll try to upload the flac of this show in a few days. salu2
  10. Jose, do you know who's the taper?
  11. The click track is pretty loud on this one but the recording itself is close to amazing. Enjoying it.

    Ultraviolet has some power in the musical department on this recording. Bit of static but lots of punch.