1. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For- live 1987
  2. Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head - live version in 2016!
  3. Miracle drug- live 2005
  4. I Threw A Brick Through A Window - live 1982
  5. Magnificent (album version)
  6. u2 - miami / bullet the blue sky ('97, barcelona)

    that actually sounded really cool???
  7. Cool ?or not ? I can t understand you

    now : Rejoice - live 1982 Werchter
  8. Coldplay - Clocks - Live at the BBC 2014
  9. Paul remenber that there are a band who instructed Coldplay how to play ...they called U2 Too much Coldplay for you during these days !

    I Fall Down - live 1982 Werchter
  10. Homely girl- UB40