1. U2 - Please (New York, 2001-10-27)

  2. THE rock and roll song.

    Sir Paul McCartney jams with Johnny Depp (yes!), Roy Gaines, Al Williams, Dale Atkins, Henree Harris, Motown Maurice, Lil Poochie and Misha Lindes. 30 minutes of acoustic blues played by some truly skilled guys.

  3. Last night I dreamt that I was trapped in The Wizard Of Oz movie, and I've woken up and this is the first thing I've played:

  4. Angel of harlem - U2
    they dont really have a song for fallen angels do they ? accept for Sympathy for the devil!
  5. ^ Whoa. I was thinking about The Dark Side Of The Rainbow and there it is.

    Dragonforce - Heroes Of Our Time. This is sooooo good.

  6. It's fucking great isn't it!

    Just listened to (and watched) the whole HTDAAB bonus DVD, I love the raw version of Crumbs (as well as the "no-history" behind the song, lol), and the banjo version of Vertigo.

  7. Take on me - A-ha live
  8. Pearl Jam - Eldery Woman...
  9. Guisy Ferriri - L'attesa
  10. It s my life- Bon Jovi
  11. Jump- Van Halen