1. ah too sad. but what you say would really make sense.
  2. Time to sell/give out yours to anyone interested, then

  3. I'm afraid it's too late for that already, as no more member pre-sales are coming up.
  4. Ouch! Didn't realize that
  5. yeah, shame. could've easily given it away for the South America or South Africa presales.... but there was always hope for another European leg coming 'round, so.... *sigh*
  6. I really hate U2 when I get an idea for a song to write just to one second later remember that they've already written it
  7. -edit-
  8. Your not the only one, I read some others here on the forum and they told the same thing.
    I have the same feeling, I dont listen to U2 so much but maybe it will chance when the play Zooropa
  9. Originally posted by bartajax:Your not the only one, I read some others here on the forum and they told the same thing.
    I have the same feeling, I dont listen to U2 so much but maybe it will chance when the play Zooropa

    yeah I know. I've already edited my post again (before I saw your reply ), because the thought alone feels too wrong, growing "tired" of U2 or anythink alike. I just don't know. But i hope you're right, Zooropa's re-birth will work wonders
  10. I think it has something to do with the lenght of the tour and the on going rumours and talk about new albums, but those albums arent coming soon I guess.
  11. yeah, it's like you get excited about the new album... and then it doesn't come or gets put off for later and later - like we're used to - but then for later again. The excitement is gone again. And the tour.... god I love this tour, best thing I've ever experienced in my life, and the setlist parties and everything around it.... but maybe there is one bootleg too many on my ipod or the computer...what show do you want to listen to, there are so many. Same for dvds, what was special first now is "just collecting" for me -- I know this sounds completely mad, as every U2 show is a precious thing, and the dvds and bootlegs are fantastic and I really value them without a doubt.... I just feel a bit disconnected these days. Too long of a tour, and no new album in sight at all, I think you nailed it right.

    sorry for the long babble
  12. Just put your music player on shuffle and listen to U2, something extraordinary always comes up