1. Hey!! Welcome to U2Start!!!

    You´re an artist!!! Your drawings are amazing!!
  2. These are really nice. What method do you use?
  3. Awww! Thank you very very much, guys!!!!! I appreciate your kind words

    I never sold my drawing yet. I draw them because it makes me fun

    I don´t know. It depends on my mood. I don´t draw them non-stop. For example the picture with the wheel mic. The first day I drew his face and the mic, the second day his shirt and jacket. But the first picture took weeks because I didn´t have time to finish it

    I use only a common black and coloured pencils. I can´t name the method, I draw as I can. I never attended any school of art
  4. Wow, these are fantastic drawings!!! I draw myself, but never did a great job with color.
  5. This is amazing. Nothing else to say! Really love your drawings
  6. Wow

  7. Super!!
  8. I found a drawing of The Fly in my collection, it's the same as yours)))

  9. Yeah this is better than mine. I drew that pic of The Fly a long long time ago. It was one of my first attempts to draw Bono. And my very first attempt was the pic with Bono making the peace sign with hand. I was about 14 years old
  10. Originally posted by zoobaby9:[..]

    Yeah this is better than mine. I drew that pic of The Fly a long long time ago. It was one of my first attempts to draw Bono. And my very first attempt was the pic with Bono making the peace sign with hand. I was about 14 years old

    really? ha ha, we have a lot in common, because it was my first drawing of B-man too))) this is about one year old.
    You are growing as an artist, better and better. I couldn't draw like you when I was 14.
  11. Amazing drawings, I couldn't draw a decent stick man if I tried
  12. Your very talented, amazing drawings!