1. Well, let's keep this wheel spinning...
    This is a quote from Q magazine, January issue.Edge talks about U2's next studio album:

    "Will there be a new record next year? We hope, but we don't know. We've got about five or six songs that are in good enough shape that we feel strong about them, but not in good enough shape that we could record them.

    "It's going to be a very melodic record. It's interesting to me that some of the artists who were really glossed over in the early period of the band's existence I'm starting to 'get' more and more now. People like the BeeGees. You listen to their work now and think 'My God, how brilliant were they as songwriters?' but totally undermined by a lot of bad hair and living in Los Angeles or whatever.

    "And some of the things that the Eagles wrote -- amazing songs. It's a new-found appreciation for pure melody. That seems to be what we're all interested in at the moment."

    Well, I think they don't wanna speculate a releasing date to avoid what happened with the Atomic Bomb album, but they've been working on this since september 2005, that's when the rumours started. And first it was 'Rick Rubin, yeah, we'd like to work him a record but who knows', then the man got confirmed. Only they could tell... and maybe not even them!
  2. Thank you redguitaronfire for posting this! Very interesting, I like Edge quotes, he is the one I trust the most of U2 regarding the future of U2.