1. Sad, but true.

    Back to the topic, I wonder who's this guy that talked with the guardian.

    We know we can't trust Bono on giving information about new stuff, so who's really able to do it?
  2. I think I want my post to get edited by the crew.
  3. Let's cut it with the meaningless and offensive posts, shall we?

    Dylan / dylbagz, you've been warned in private with no answer or change in behaviour, so I shall warn you in public: please stop using sexually agressive and strongly worded language NOW or actions shall be taken towards your ability to post in our forums. We are pretty loose when it comes to day to day posting rules, but your attitude has been offensive for some forum members besides the crew lately, and we cannot accept that. I hereby ask you to please moderate your overal tone, and specifically your sexually oriented language. Humour is fine but there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed when speaking (or posting, for what is worth) in public.

    Now, lads, back to the album news, please.
  4. I think All My Life should definitely be on the new album

    Just for the irony

  5. Maybe I can ask Edge and Bono to start reworking it when I meet them in Dublin next week
  6. It was quite a good little tune.

  7. No re-working please, that will only delay the album until 2016 haha. A clean studio recording will do me just fine thanks.
  8. Maybe it can be this album's bonus track and remixed 17 times.

  9. This is probably the only thing that could ever make me hate this song.
  10. i hope so, i quite like the remixes

    Some of the U2 remixes are great. Some are just terrible.

    This is probably the only thing that could ever make me hate this song.

    After spending all this time on the album they should have more B-sides than hot dinners.
  11. Originally posted by LikeASong:Let's cut it with the meaningless and offensive posts, shall we?

    Dylan / dylbagz, you've been warned in private with no answer or change in behaviour, so I shall warn you in public: please stop using sexually agressive and strongly worded language NOW or actions shall be taken towards your ability to post in our forums. We are pretty loose when it comes to day to day posting rules, but your attitude has been offensive for some forum members besides the crew lately, and we cannot accept that. I hereby ask you to please moderate your overal tone, and specifically your sexually oriented language. Humour is fine but there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed when speaking (or posting, for what is worth) in public.

    Now, lads, back to the album news, please.

    meaningless posts - you are the king of meaningless posts - every one of your 30,000 + posts adds something to the argument/people's knowledge/experience/enjoyment does it? yeah right.